Hello From Me!

Wolvez Fitness

New Member
So... Where to begin without boring everyone??

So all my life has been a battle with weight, cutting down the 14 stone at my lightest aged 18 - I was still 6 Foot and very stocky so i was happy with that.

Currently I find myself at 23 years old just over 20 Stone again and its not fair :p. Ive been playing foot ball for a year and ive been dropping and gaining weight. 2 weeks ago me and my partner really decieded to put a huge effort in now, and im looking for the best advice and systems i can find (she dont need to lose weight, but she silly). I am a big lad, built big, but i am carrying weight i dont want.

This is currently my routine:

I have 50kg weights now, i am currently using EVERY NIGHT before i shower - sets of 14 -12 - 10 - 8 - 6 on Arms - Shoulders - Traps

Monday - Nothing ( I Want to run on the evening atleast a mile )
Tuesday - Swimming 6:30am to 8:10am (20 minutes steam room)
Wednesday - Swimming 7:30am to 8:15am
Thursday - Swimming 6:30am to 8:10am (20 minutes steam room) Evening : 7pm to 8:30pm Football Training
Friday - Swimming 7:30am to 8:15am
Saturday - Morning run - 1 to 3 mile
Sunday - Football match 10:30 (including warm up from 10.)

I am trying to stick with a 1400 calorie diet - Yogurt and apple for breakfast - Sandwidge for lunch and 800 calorie for tea. ( ALL FOOD VARIE THROUGH WEEK)


I intend to throw some running in there on some evenings when i have chance 1 - 3 mile runs.

Think i will lose 60pounds by new july doing this? if i stick with it and throw in some running?

Now im finished boring you, I really like the site and you all give some great tips! See You around and Hello!!