Hello im new here


Full Member
Just registered! Lovely site!

I started sw last week, not new to the diet, but really serious about getting the weight off this time. Its my 30th next year and not being fat in my thirties. Put all my weight on with my pregnancies.

Got 4lbs off last week and had a sneaky wi thi morning and looking okay so fr but did slip the other night and had a tub of ben and jerrys at the weekend! whoops!

Off to make breakfast, will be back soon as i need to know syn values of things as I dont go to a class and wont be either any time soon. I cant diet as soon as pressures on, hence why im doing it at home :)

mrs tx
Hi and welcome! Xx
Welcome (waving) to this fab site. You will get lots of help, inspiration, and support on here. Well done on chosing S W . You will do well if you follow plan properly :)
Thank you, having a good day - had a bit of an offy yesterday but straight back on today. Must reach that target for next september! got a massive baked potatoe for lunch and vegetable soup as well that I made - yum! massive roast dinner on the cards. If anything sw makes me cook properly.
Got to love this diet - made the kids a roast and now im sat here with the leftover roast potatos. Like im complaining!! will be sticking mine and hubbies roast on soon and cant wait!!
Hey Mrs T! :D

I joined SW on Monday. I too gained my weight whilst having kids, and I too am going to be 30 next year!
I weighed in at 13stone 6lbs, and really want to lose a stone before Xmas. Then I won't be far off my 10% loss.

I've found SW is keeping my focus on cooking healthy low-fat meals for the family. Even my husband who hates veg has been enjoying my blitzed sauces! So I feel like I'm doing a really great thing for the family. The only concern I have is that I like convenience so I'm hoping that I don't get 'bored' of preparation lol...

Good luck anyway, hopefully we'll both be celebrating our 30ths a few stone lighter :)