

Hi all. My name's Ella. I'm 28 and have been lurking for a few weeks. I found the forum whilst looking for some information about sw and have been bowled over by the amazing people and support network. I've never really had much support in my previous attempts at weight loss (too numerous to count) and I'm quite shy with strangers, but you all seem such a lovely bunch that I'm sure you'll get me through the tough times. I have 6 stone to lose (ish) and have decided to go with Cambridge. My forms are all ready to go and I hope to meet my counsellor tomorrow. I'm really excited! I was diagnosed with high blood pressure at 14 (back when I wasn't overweight) and am a high risk for pregnancy, so I really need to get cracking before I hit my 30s! I had a miscarriage last May and have been unable to get pregnant since. This is my big motivation for getting the weight off for good.
Sorry for the essay, I'm looking forward to getting to know you and looking fab for the first time in years!

Ella x
Hi there, good luck with your weight loss, sorry to hear of your miscarriage :-( I lost twins a few years back so I can empathise with you. I have around 6 stone to lose not easy but will be worth it! Good luck