
Hi all,

I'm new to this and could do with a little support!

I am a classic endomorph (read as short and chunky!) and I have been overweight since primary school. I have never been moved to lose weight before as I am very happy in myself, therefore lacking in motivation. However, I turned 26 last September and have realised that if I don't get down to a fighting weight now, I'll never do it! I've even started running although I'm very unfit (I consider myself a thinker not a doer!)

I am currently 13st13lb (or was at first weigh-in) which gives me a BMI of 31 (Terribly obese apparently) although as an endo I carry it well! I have just started Slimming World which is apparently very good for men and I am enjoying it.

Any advice for a tubby bloke?


Welcome to the forum and good luck!
Good luck to you. You've already done the hard part and that's to start :) Just remember these 10 two letter words... "If it is to be, it is up to me"! :)