help !going on an all inclusive holliday !!!!!

Oh Sukie, your post has just


I was thinking about you and hoping you'd have a great time!

What's even better is that your post can serve as inspiration to others who are considering what to do when they're on holiday!

I would certainly be inspired!

Tell me, Sukie, did you have any 'sticky moments' (not THAT kind of sticky!) when you felt that you wanted to eat? If so, how did you overcome them?

What was the weather like?
sticky moments !!!:)

hi aj ,
well the actual not eating wasnt a problem at all, i was just a nasty beggar when we arrived and sent hubby and issa to eat while i unpacked and got over my stroppy tantrum :wave_cry: (they were having a bbq when we arrived !!! imagine the smell mmmmm!)
the first day was an interesting one , i really had to stop and think about how i really felt about things as i had such a keen sense of deprivation but no desire at all to eat :confused: , i went back and forward in my mind as to my options as i was really starting to feel quite uncomfortably anxious , and i talked to hubby allot who would support me whichever way i went, but the biggest shock for me was when i thought about actually eating whilst there(in any way protein or full on ) my anxiety level would really kick up to a nasty level , so i kinda figured that no i REALLY didnt want to eat at all ,basically i spent allot of time that day soul searching and i realised the anxiety was just me having got myself into an almighty state before going about what to do , and once i accepted that the anxiety just started to lift to nothing and left me feeling good but upset about my mindset having allowed myself to get in such a state :cry:
so i just took my l book to the pool the next day and set about discovering the inner me :confused:
what i discovered by slowly re reading he book cover to cover was that i embarked on this journey for a very specific reason and by reading i felt so motivated and happy ( and proud like you wouldnt believe)and one small passage about feelings of deprivation in childhood , told me EXACTLY where my problems started , the feelings of never having had enough , the emptiness that never fills and the belief that i didnt get enough love when i was very young all added up to a big cleansing tearfest ad a feeling of an amazing cleansing of the soul which has left me KNOWING i will never walk this path again EVER !!!! i know why now , and i believe that is exactly the cure that we have spent every diet we ever did looking for .
so:D :D :D :D :D :D my holiday was SUCH a trip it was fabulous and restfull and the weather was perfect , and best of all , the little girl crouched over in the corner of my mind sobbing her heart out ( like i am now :eek: ) is now free.xx
and slimmer !!!!!!!!
i did it !!!
yes i went and actually managed to not eat at all during the holiday and getting home and having dipped below the 12stone mark was sooooooo worth it !!!!:p so happy i cant even explain it :) and im so proud of my achievement , i now know i can do anything !!!!
thankyou all for your massive support and encouragement before i left , you cant imagine how much it helped , and amanda jane !! you are an inspiration , !!!:D
ive just read you management thread and am now keeping abreast of your progress , well done !!!!!

That is some achievement sukie sue!!!

To come back from holiday slimmer than when you went.

Well done...your becoming an inspiration yourself.

Love Mini xxx
Sukie, your post brought back memories of my holiday in October, when we went to Majorca. A voyage of self-discovery, indeed.

It makes you look at the world differently.

I'd always known that I wasn't going to consider eating at all on my holiday, and this meant that I didn't feel anxious about eating or bingeing.

I did however feel fed up at times and wonder why I was doing this to myself. "Well," I answered myself, "You're doing this now because you want to lose weight and gain a future; you want to develop a healthy relationship with food; you want to enjoy all the holidays of the future instead of hiding away from photo opportunities and cringeing when you do see a holiday photo, ashamed and embarrassed."

I have a photo in my handbag taken last year in beautiful Madiera. It is horrific and I hate it with a passion. I am going to see if I can scan it and put it on the site. However, I will probably need to take it to the local library to do the scanning, and I do not want to show it to anyone - it's too shameful. It does however show beautufully just how far I've come, and for that reason I think it's important for you to see.

There will be no more shameful holiday photos!

Thanks again for your inspirational post, it'll inspire a lot of readers!
skiing hol

hi Sukie Sue & co

joined minimins yesterday as a LL user and love the threads. Am going on a skiing hol at end March and had dreaded thought of "how will I cope". Reading your hol (& others) has been fab. Know end March is a long way off but totally reassured me.

love this site - and all you inspirational people
Welcome Sal,

By March, can you imagine how much you'll have lost! You won't want to jeopardise your fantastic progress I'll bet! Get as much support and advice as you can and you will be free to enjoy yourself.
Hi Sukiesue,
I looked for this thread especially to see if you had come back or not. Otherwise I was going to send a new thread to find you on your return.
I am so so happy for you!! That really is an achievement. I am going on holiday to Tunisie on my Day 82 (Day 26 now) or something and have been wondering how I will cope. I will continue to do this after my 100 days because I have about 9 stone to lose. After having read your experience I think I will just stay on the packs.
Alot of my holidays over the past few years I have spent being miserable because of being overweight. I think being on holiday just highlights the fact that I am overweight, whereas being at home I can burry my emotions, get on with life and ignore the fact that I am fat! I want to start enjoying my holidays now with my lovely husband and 3 children!!
thanks Amanda Jayne - you really are an inspiration to us all.

you may read in other threads that I put on a 1lb when weighed in at pop in today (day 11) and was gutted. So tempted to go & eat something, but came home, had a bar, wrote something in a few threads then started to read other threads and am feeling so much more positive now.

keep it up all of you out there
and slimmer !!!!!!!!
i did it !!!
yes i went and actually managed to not eat at all during the holiday and getting home and having dipped below the 12stone mark was sooooooo worth it !!!!:p so happy i cant even explain it :) and im so proud of my achievement , i now know i can do anything !!!!
thankyou all for your massive support and encouragement before i left , you cant imagine how much it helped , and amanda jane !! you are an inspiration , !!!:D
ive just read you management thread and am now keeping abreast of your progress , well done !!!!!

Wow how fantastic are you....well done, you have proved to yourself that you can do it.
You must be feeling great ...!:D

You have taken the first important step to achieving long-term success on this programme. You are creating a solid foundation and if you continue to make good choices like this, you will only get stronger.

Well done you!!!