help I have a night out!


New Member

I have been on lipotrim for nearly 5 weeks and stuck to it religiously, I have lost just over a stone. I have a friends birthday meal tonight so have to eat something. Is grilled fish and green salad the best option! dont want to ruin my hard work. Any advice?

Hiya, why do you have to eat something? You can do it without eating, I promise you. I've had many nights out on this diet. Phone the restaurant in advance, explain to them you are a group of however many plus one nil by mouth. They won't mind. You can say -!if you're friends do not all know - that you're recovering from a tummy bug or something. It's not awkward after the first few minutes.
Damn phone - not finished! Why would you want to risk all your hard work over one night? There is nothing 'safe' to eat - you could eat pure protein and still gain or sts. How would you feel about that? It would be awful! When you chose to do tfr you must have realised nights out were going to come up. To succeed at thus diet I really think it's important to follow it to the letter. Besides you may have a meal with good intentions but once you start eating it's a slippery slope and you'll be tempted to cheat more!! Good luck whatever you decide but I would nit eat - you'd feel all the more powerful and in control for it and you'd be well on track to breaking previous bad habits. You can do it!! X
I've been to friends' birthday meals and just had my shake/flapjack, you can still have a really good time without eating. People generally don't care that I'm eating my own food and not restaurant food, and for those who do I briefly explain I'm on a diet, it's their problem if they object to that (which hardly anyone does).
I was out for a "meal" the other evening for a work colleagues 50th birthday. I took a flapjack and stuck to that. When the waitress came for my order I just told her that apart from water I was Nil by mouth!! she never questioned me and I still had a great time ;)
I've got a stag weekend to Blackpool coming up at the end of June. I am planning on sticking to Lipotrim and not eating or drinking any alcohol which will be very tough I'm sure. However for the wedding on 9th July I plan to refeed the week before hand and then have a week 'off' so I can eat and drink at the wedding.

Personally I wouldn't eat during TFR - but if you plan ahead for breaks/weeks off I think it's ok.