Help! Why am I finding it so hard


Hi All

This is my 1st post on here and I really need some support, I've spent many months reading all your posts and find them really encouraging.

About me

I'm 33 and I've spent my life on a diet shrinking and then a year later putting the weight all back on.

Last year I did Lighter Life and lost about 2 stone but due to problems at home came off it.

Since October I have been trying with Cambridge and I keep cheating 1 day good the next day snacking on bread.

I'm on day 2 again and I've had all my shakes oh and 1 slice of bread - why did I eat the bread :eek:

Anyway I've got to do this and so I'm going to post on here to try and keep me on track.

Tommorrow I commit to ss completely and to stay away from the bread bin.

Is anyone else on day 2 ???

like you .............tomorrow will be my proper day 2 ................. if i get through tonight !!! just hang on in there ..............xx
I just need to keep thinking of all the clothes I will be able to wear in my wardrobe, and also how fab I will feel when I'm a stone lighter
it is a fab feeling ................. but we need to maintain it ........... another hour we can go to bed !! and day 1 will be over xx
Hi zzz and welcome. If you are struggling to get past day one, why don't you try the 790 plan for a couple of weeks, and then perhaps work down to Sole Source? You will still get about the same amount of weight loss and you will be able to have that little bit of food you crave. Hope this helps xxx
Maybe remove all the bread from the house! For the first three days at least :)

My thoughts exactly!!

No seriously though. I had no food in my house the 1st week. Im on week two ss and have lots of nice things for dd and dp and havent went near them.

I know what u mean about the smells so good ;)
HI zzz I'm on day 2.The only way I can manage it is by removing all foods that I would normally eat out of the house.

Good luck
This is a REALLY hard diet requiring enormous willpower. You have done well to continue getting back onboard and it sounds like you just need a clear few days to get established, get into ketosis then you will be able to resist the bread!
Please keep trying. It is so worth it and you know you will feel fantastic and proud of yourself.
Take one step, one day, one moment at a time and feel good that you have achieved that.
Hang in there - we're all in this with you.
Best wishes to you
Hya IWILLSUCCEED, Do you really think its a hard diet? After that first burst of 3 days or so i think it is easier than any other because there is just no food involved.
(Trying to think of an analogy) i can't drive...end of story. I can't eat food while i am doing this diet..end of story.
Hmmm, not such a good analogy LOL, but do you see what i mean?
Hiya Annie,
I don't necessarily mean hard in terms of doing it but more in craving food. When you go into ketosis then, yes, the hunger pangs are much less but.... I still absolutely miss food. I still want to eat a bag of chips when I smell them at the chippy and, when faced with yummy deserts, I wanna bury my head in them and drown!
So, dealing with the addiction side of things is hard. Abstaining from food completely is hard.
The flip side of course is that, even though the temptations are still there, you know that you are only allowed to eat the packs so that takes the problem of choice out of the equation.
I guess what I am really saying is that this diet requires a lot of willpower and support because giving up food is not a natural thing!
Having said that - once you get over the first week then it does get easier physically. It's the emotional stuff that you have to crack to win the battle!
Hope I've explained what I meant cos it doesn't always come out right!lol
hello zz and welcome
Hi All
Keep on hanging in there,it does get easier! This is my second week,finding it easier,lost 12lb in first week.
Drink more water keeps you full for longer!!