

New Member
I have decided to join a support forum as I am finding loosing weight really difficult. I have been doing slimming world for 3 weeks and lost 2 1/2lbs in the first week since then have maintained the past two weeks even though I have been trying really hard I was so upset by this that I didn't stay after weigh in I just wanted to go home. Any advice would be greatful. :sigh:
Hey lovely, you sound just like me when j tried slimming world, I tried so hard, stuck to it and it didn't work. Iv been diagnosed with pcos and apparently there's a link between the carbs and fruit and something to do with insulin... Do you have more green than red days? If you do this might be worth investigating ??maybe try having more red days and see if thus helps ? Hope this advice helps, keep your chin up Hun, sometimes it takes a bit longer than we hoped but think about the tortoise and the hare ;) xx
Hiya! Don't give up yet! Are you drinking plenty of fluids (i mean lots and lots?). You might be retaining fluid if your not drinking enough. I find if i have some weeks were i havent drank enough I won't lose the weight. 'Flush the fat' is my motto now. Keep it up. One week you might have a huge loss and if your due your 'monthly visit' then that always affects my weight loss. Good luck and keep at it!xxxx
Thanks so much for your advise. I definitely need to drink more fluids and yes I have been doing more green than red! I have decided to try the extra easy option and see how that goes. Thanks again for your help x