Extra Easy HELP!


Gold Member
I joined SW the week between Christmas and New year 2010 and managed to shift 4 stone in 9 months last year.
My weight loss has come to a virtual standstill and I was really upset this week , when having had a great week, I put on 2 pounds. I am still3 stone 8 and a half lighter but want to get to my target of 5 stone and I am fed up with the constant yo yoing.
Any tips for giving my weight loss a much needed boost? xxxx
Try mixing things up a bit, change your healthy extras, use your syns for something different and try some new recipes. Our bodies can get used to the same thing and a little shake up can get things moving again.
Oh Hun, I feel for you on this one. I spent the last 3 months of last year gaining and loosing the same 4lbs or so. It was so frustrating as I was going to group & paying my money, and sticking to plan 75% but not really at the weekends. I had a word with myself over the Xmas & new year period & just have resigned myself to the fact that I can't do it 75% - 100% or nothing for me.

Now, I'm not saying that you are not following it 100%, but I do wonder if you might have stopped being as strict on the super free proportions, and maybe you don't necessarily weigh your HEX's like You did when you started?

Also, I found that I was still eating like I did when I was 3 st heavier, when in reality I just didn't need to eat that much anymore. Maybe portion control is the answer?
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I quite agree - Recently I have been getting a bit slack but I think it hit me last week when I HAD been good and put on 2 pounds.
I dusted myself down and have started to weigh and write everything down. I do not want to return to being heavier and I know that the plan works well for me , I just need to maybe look at it with fresh eyes and treat each week after my weigh in as my first week. x
I think when we have been doing the same thing for a length of time sometimes we get a bit complacent whether it be having big portions, maybe not always filling our plates with 1/3 sf, or just stuck in a rut eating the same things. Since Christmas, well end Dec, I have been 100% everyday & since them I have lost 1.5lbs which is a bit frustrating as I was losing more with less effort when I started but last week I sat down I planned a weekly menu for the first time ever to ensure I had a good mix of foods through the week & a variety of breakfasts & lunches rather than sticking the same things just coz it was handy. Another thing I have done, which is big thing for me, is cut out diet coke :eek: I have been exercising but I have decided to up that a bit too... I honestly will do anything within reason to get those scales moving steadily again!!!! Now I dont WI until the morning so I cant say if its been successful but I have really enjoyed the change so fingers crossed :)