ProPoints Helsbels new start


Silver Member
Hi there

This is my 2nd week of WW- moving over from SW. Bit disappointed because managed to put on 0.5lb even though only used half weeklies and did 3 body combat and a spinning class!

I'm trying to lose some weight before start 2nd cycle of IVF in june, wasn't getting anywhere with SW so have decided to give WW a go-though have left it a bit late and should have started this months ago!

Hoping this week I manage to lose something :(

Hi there

This is my 2nd week of WW- moving over from SW. Bit disappointed because managed to put on 0.5lb even though only used half weeklies and did 3 body combat and a spinning class!

I'm trying to lose some weight before start 2nd cycle of IVF in june, wasn't getting anywhere with SW so have decided to give WW a go-though have left it a bit late and should have started this months ago!

Hoping this week I manage to lose something :(


Good Luck Hun :) I restarted on Friday with my first WI due on Friday, finding this board very useful and motivating so far! Looking forward to reading about your journey. X
Thanks ukserena, good luck to you too :)

Today's food
strawberries/activia yoghurt (2 pp)/koko milk (2pp) - blended into smoothie

Chicken breast (4 pp)/salad/sweet chilli sauce (1pp)/6 Melba toast (2 pp)/ ww crisps (2 pp)

Chicken breast (4 pp)/rice (6 pp)/courgette/red pepper/onion/mushrooms/salad/tandoori spice

4 haribo (2 pp)
1/2 cheese straw (1 pp)
1 Terry's twighlight (1 pp)

Total 27/26
Weeklies used 1-47 left
Bid fed up today-feel absolutely massive even though I've been sticking to daily points and have only used 5 weeklies since Saturday :(

Have decided to put off ivf for another month because my head is mangled so suppose I get another month to try and lose some weight.

Todays food

shake-strawberries/koko milk (2)/ww yoghurt (1)

Wrap (5)/2 quorn fillet (2)/salad/carrot and lentil soup (2)

Pasta (8)/2 bacon medallions (1)/home made tomato sauce/1/2 ww garlic bread (2)

popcorn (2)/activia coconut yoghurt (3)/2 haribo (1)

total 26
weeklies 3
Bid fed up today-feel absolutely massive even though I've been sticking to daily points and have only used 5 weeklies since Saturday :(

Have decided to put off ivf for another month because my head is mangled so suppose I get another month to try and lose some weight.

Todays food

shake-strawberries/koko milk (2)/ww yoghurt (1)

Wrap (5)/2 quorn fillet (2)/salad/carrot and lentil soup (2)

Pasta (8)/2 bacon medallions (1)/home made tomato sauce/1/2 ww garlic bread (2)

popcorn (2)/activia coconut yoghurt (3)/2 haribo (1)

total 26
weeklies 3

Try to stay positive Sweetie, funnily enough I haven't used my Weeklies and I felt really bloated a few days in too, maybe it's something to do with the types of food we are eating on plan? Today I didn't feel bloated at all so I'm hoping it was either all in my head or its gone now! Fingers crossed your bloated feeling has disappeared overnight and you wake up feeling positive. X
Thanks hun-I'm still confused about these weeklies, not sure whether to eat them or not????

Hoping havent put on this week! How are you finding it-I'm definitely eating less than I was before-not sure if that's good or bad lol ;)

Thanks for your words of encouragement x
Thanks hun-I'm still confused about these weeklies, not sure whether to eat them or not????

Hoping havent put on this week! How are you finding it-I'm definitely eating less than I was before-not sure if that's good or bad lol ;)

Thanks for your words of encouragement x

I'm eating less but I'm fuller, how is that possible?!? I am also dreading Friday, I just need to see a loss to know I'm going in the right direction! I'm not sure about the Weeklies tbh, I've not used a single one but that's just me this week, not to say it will be the same next week! X
I know what you mean-i thought going from a whole bag of pasta to next to none would be hard but I'm full too?!?!?

Been reading your diary and it looks fab, I bet you have a really good loss this week :) x
I know what you mean-i thought going from a whole bag of pasta to next to none would be hard but I'm full too?!?!?

Been reading your diary and it looks fab, I bet you have a really good loss this week :) x

I'm keeping EVERYTHING crossed! X
Hi Hun :) fair play to you xx it's not easy?

My first week at the new pp I didn't eat my weeklies and stayed the same. Second week I ate them and lost 4lb !! My leader stresses we must eat them. I am back at this two days now and my plan is to use my points for good food. I got into a rut before eating rubbish and pointing it but not losing weight. It was very frustrating. Your diary looks good so keep it up. Get as much good fresh foods into you as you can. Real food like real sugar , real soda drinks etc. all that other diet stuff is bad for you, even tho its low in points is bad for health ... Good luck with your journey darlin xx stay positive xx
Oh ya and wait until you see the weight loss this week xx it will be brill
Hope this helps with the points query
Dailys alone isn't enough calories for a woman's body , we do need all or done of the weeklies... There will be good weeks and bad weeks its all part if the journey xx good luck x
Thanks aishling, think I'm going to try and eat more weeklies-worth a try eh ;)

Good luck to you too, it's really hard but helps having people on here to talk to x
Eat them and enjoy xx it's the simple extra things for me like sugar in my tea and on my cereal and real butter on my spuds haha... That's why I love my weeklies ... Not to mention the odd bottle of vino or Bulmers ;)
Feel free to follow my thread ... I get loads of ideas from others daily diary xx
Hi, just starting today and wondering can anyone help about weekly points? Can you use them all in one day? I'm going out for anniversary dinner with my boyfriend at weekend and was hoping to use them for that? :)

Daily is to be used each day ( all of them)
Weeklies 49 can be used through out the week as you like , in one swoop or seven days etc :)
Have a great night and enjoy x
Yup :) most bottles are 20pp which isn't bad considering haha! I have a thread set up today in Diaries called my last stone after four years if you ever want to ask anything ... It's great to have the support :)
Hi, just starting today and wondering can anyone help about weekly points? Can you use them all in one day? I'm going out for anniversary dinner with my boyfriend at weekend and was hoping to use them for that? :)

Hope you have a lovely Anniversary Dinner. Are you going somewhere nice? X
Ooh where are you off to LL-I hope he's treating you ;)

Still feeling massive today-like I'm full of water but AF not due until next week so don't know what that's all about

Today's food

Shake-strawberries/ww yog (1)/koko milk (2)

McCain jacket spud (5)/leftover tomato sauce

Cajun rice (7)/birds eye chargrilled chicken (4)/salad/homemade coleslaw (1)

More bloody haribo (2)/ww crisps (2)/ww bar (2)

Total 26/26
Ooh where are you off to LL-I hope he's treating you ;)

Still feeling massive today-like I'm full of water but AF not due until next week so don't know what that's all about

Today's food

Shake-strawberries/ww yog (1)/koko milk (2)

McCain jacket spud (5)/leftover tomato sauce

Cajun rice (7)/birds eye chargrilled chicken (4)/salad/homemade coleslaw (1)

More bloody haribo (2)/ww crisps (2)/ww bar (2)

Total 26/26

Oooooo I didn't know those McCain Spuds were only 5pp, that's a 'bargain' ! X