Hi All


Full Member
I first joined this forum back in 09 and when I signed in today I weigh exactly the same as I did then which I guess is both good and bad.

I think Ive tried almost every diet out there and I have trouble sticking to anything. I find weighing counting points/syns/calories etc so annoying I give up so this year Im looking at Healthy Eating.

My plan is

to have a minimum of 5 fruit or veg daily
aim for wholegrains
low fat
and home cooked rather than processed.

Its going to be a challenge as Im disabled and find cooking very hard but its worth a try.

Im not going to say I wont eat crisps or chocolate ever again as I know that will make me want to eat more but I hope to be able to control my intake and limit alcohol to help with weightloss.

Im looking forward to reading how youre doing and getting some tips on healthy eating from you all and maybe passing some tips on
I've not been on here before but if I don't do something now I'll have a new all time heaviest!!!!

Today I have eaten a tub of ice cream (my biggest downfall) and the button has popped on my failsafe comfy jeans.

I love healthy eating and cooking but live on my own and work shifts, sometimes I can't be bothered and just eat crap. I have a few things planned in the next few days but between 3rd and 11th January I've got some time off work so it's action stations. I have a bad foot (fell down the stairs in September) so exercise is difficult but hopefully can do some soon.

I'm going to try not to deny myself anything, but question if I really want it before I even buy it. Also snacking is a big problem for me so I'm going to use the phrase 'if you want to loose weight, put it on a plate'.

I don't really have a sweet tooth but once I start I can't stop, sugar is really hard for the body to digest as it's manufactured, try to stay away from processed food as they all have sugar in. Everyone is different but remember, low fat = high sugar, fats are not that good but they are natural and easier to digest than sugar.

Roasted veg is great and really easy, chop it up, spray with 1 cal oil and put in oven for about 30 mins, my favourites are butternut squash, courgette, red onion and red pepper but experiment. Have it with some meat or fish.

Good luck and here's to a slim sumer 2012
hi there

you both sound like you are determined. I find that iF I have some home made soup at lunch at work that fills me more than a sandwich. I have a brown roll with it.

I use a diet plate which is a portion controlled and basically you can at what you like but less of it and you can fill up with veg and salad.

I like crisps and have changed to the walkers baked crisps. As a snack at work I have found a mixture of seeds and nuts fron the food doctor most supermarkets sell them.

I am hoping for a weight loss of 1-2lbs a week then I know I can keep it off if I don't loose it too quick.

Good luck to you both
