Hi Everyone, I'm new!!!

Gem Dec 17th 06

Full Member
I'm going to see my CDC on Saturday which is when I'll start the Cambridge Diet. I'm really excited having read all the great threads on here and can't wait to get going on Sunday!

I'm hoping to lose about 3 stone. I weigh about 12st 9lb at the mo.

How long do you think it will take me to lose that much???


I'd love to know the significance of your user name? Say a stone a month but allowing for the fact you should lose more in your 1st week you should do it in 2/3 months
Irene xx
Hi Gem and welcome

Good luck for Saturday. Just remember to drink the water and once you are through the first week you will be well on your way.

I look forward to reading about your weight loss journey.

Jazzy x
Thank you Jazzy! I'm looking forward to sharing it with you!!

P.S how do you get one of those clicker's???!!!!!!
Hi Gem and welcome

I'm just about to finish week 2 on CD and have my 1st weigh in on Saturday as only being weighed every 2 weeks.

Good luck, and as said before drink the water.

Hiya Gem, I have been doing the diet 5 and a half weeks and have lost nearly 2 stone, it comes off very quickly at first and then slows a little to around a stone a month (3to4lbs a week)
For a weight loss ticker see info below, if you get stuck then go to technical support thread and there is info in there!
any time hun x
Hi Gem
Welcome to the site, I've only been on SS for 6 days but already putting the advice of the fab people on here to use!
This site is a godsend :D
bluemoon xx