Hi everyone!


New Member
Hello all, I'm Stacey. I started my weight loss attempt on 5th Jan, and today was my 4th weigh in and I am really chuffed as I have lost 12lb so far :) Went to my doctors this week and have been giving a slimming world referral and a gym membership, my SW vouchers have just came so I am starting the class on Tuesday and will start gym when I get the pass sent. In the last 4 weeks I have just been doing my own healthy eating and have started exercising around 4 or 5 times a week, which I am really enjoying. I have been doing either Zumba, Swimming, Wii Fit and this week started kettlebells class which I really enjoyed but was so hard! I swum a mile the day after my first class, and am in agony with my aches today haha. No pain no gain as they say :) I am still enjoying my 1 night out with the girls a week and drinking vodka and lemonade and the odd glass of wine, instead of wine all night! I am hoping to get to my target weight of 12st 7lb by July, I am currently 17st 6lb and am very nearly 6 feet tall and a dress size 16/18. Hoping to get down to around 10/12 :) Looking forward to getting some tips on the site! x
Well done on your weight loss so far.

Good luck with the rest x