Hi everyone :)

Thanks guys!
Today I've had:
2 packets of salt and vinegar crips - 300cal
1 chicken and bacon sandwich 473
1 coffee with splash of milk 20 cal
Feeling a bit naughty as my calorie count is 793 cal by 3pm
I'm only planning on having a 350cal tuna pasta bake meal for dinner to even things out, I also have 2 apples included too, need to start making smarter choices and planning ahead >.<
No more liquid calories today for me I think x
At the moment I feel like a do-able goal for me at the moment is to get down to 200lb/14st-ish. At 5'5, I'd still be overweight at 200lb, but I'm aiming for that and then I'll review my goal again. I mean, ultimately I'd like to get down to 120-130ish, but that's not essential for me right now so I'm not focusing on it too hard.
Hmm, I thought I posted in here? Anyway, I said that I have a goal of getting down to 200lb - which would still put me in the overweight category (actually, I think I'd still be technically obese?) at that weight for my height, but it feels like a do-able goal for now. Once I hit 200lb, I'll revise my goal and aim for 120-130lb. But I'd be happy to get to 200lb, so that's my focus for now.
I'm aiming for 200lb, which would still put me in the overweight category, ultimately for now - being 5'10 and I'm not small built. Though like you I'll see how I look and feel when I get there :)
I need to lose 102lbs, when I started 5 weeks ago I needed to lose 130lbs so lost 28lbs so far but will get there.
Good luck in losing your weight you can do it :) x