Hi guys - need friends and motivation.


Hi all!

i found this forum through searching for xenical/orlistat before and after photos on google.

I'm a 31 yr old who has always struggled with weight. I seem to have cycles of about 4/5 years of being too thin or too fat, I can never seem to find a happy medium. I guess I have an addictive personality and easily get hooked on weight loss or eating too much.

Im currently at my highest ever weight (12.5 st) and I'm just horrified at myself. I had a baby last year and gained a lot of weight during pregnancy. I had no energy and was very inactive all 9 months. It also meant I discovered that I had gallstones and my gallbladder was removed in November. Was supposed to be keyhole surgery but when they started the keyhole procedure they found it was worse than they thought and had to convert mid-surgery to full open surgery. So I now have a 6 inch incision under my right breast on my ribs which is still quite tight / sore etc. yet more inactivity and weight gain.

Im not quite sure what kind of diet to go on. I've been considering asking my GP for something like xenical but I'm not sure he would.

Hoping to find some motivation. I'm so lethargic and tired all the time. I miss the old, thin me.