

Sliced and diced!!!
Hello there :)

I'm Ollie, and I started off my CD journey well over 200kgs... never really got a proper start weight, but used two scales and it read 210kgs (or there about).. was nearly toppling off, so not too sure :p

I have lost over 35kgs and am feeling so much better - walking is no longer a painful torture.

And I can actually get back into my nursing uniform, so I'm back a work, which is good :D

I realise that being so overweight restricts my life in so many ways, but I struggle with my addictive relationship with food.

And I mean really struggle... :(

It's like a compulsion that I have no control over... there is a voice in my mind, telling me to eat and before I know it, I've guzzled 2 pints of milk and a choccie bar before I even register that I am suppose to be on SS.

Sometimes it seems like a losing battle...

But I have to gain control of my life and succeed in this journey - otherwise I will miss out on the most important things in life.

And crispy fried beancurd is not worth it... :eek:

Ollie x

PS The picture is me with my Mum, best friend Priyanka and her fiance Sethu in India this August... just to let you see me before I hopefully shrink ;)


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Hi Ollie, and a very warm welcome to our thread. You absolutely CAN do it. Come on here for support before you put food in your mouth - there'll always be someone here who understands.
The prize totally IS worth it. It really is true (although I'm not really "slim" yet) "Nothing tastes as go as being slim(mer) feels"
Tell your chatterbox to **** off, and get a WeMitt on your shoulder to keep you on the straight and narrow. It's worked for lots of us!!!!
Ann x
Hi Ols
Great to see you here in our cosy little wemitt hide-out :) You really won't find a better bunch of people anywhere on the net: they're like a second family to me now and I know I couldn't have come this far without them.

Everyone here knows the extra issues involved in being very overweight: sometimes the very thought of having to lose so much can be daunting but with lots of encouragement and support, you CAN do it and we'll be here cheering every milestone big or small.

Looking forward to sharing your journey with you.
Hi and very well done on your weight loss so far. I weigh 192 kgs, perhaps a bit more by now, and am awaiting permission from my Consultant to start Lipotrim as he wants to find out about it first.
This website forum is absolutely amazing for support and encouragement; you will certainly find loads of that here, and a friend or two along the way probably.
I also know how it is to weigh just over 30 stone. It is hell on earth, and nothing, absolutely nothing, is worth staying this high weight or even gaining - no chocolate, no biscuit - nothing at all. What a buzz it must be to lose weight and at a pace rather faster than one pound loss per week, then a gain, then stay the same then 2 pounds loss. A VLCD is the way to go.
With very best wishes, and keep posting on this website. We will all support each other through good and bad.
Best wishes,
Pam xx
Hows it going Ollie? have you had any more thoughts on whether to give sw a try? The next few weeks until you go off to india again will fly by, what an incentive. Come on Ollie you can do it!:)

I've decided to give SS one more go... :)

I am also starting Aqua Aerobics tomorrow, so that should give me a boost ;)

Thanks for the support...

Good luck Ollie,

Aqua Aerobics is great... You must drink loads of extra water though as it uses sooo much fluid just doing the aqua aerobics!

It's brilliant for toning up and best of all it's a laugh!!

Well done for the weight you have already lost!!

The huuuge different I have found is that now my mind is in a place where it has not previously been when going on a diet...

This time I want to lose weight more than I want to eat!!!

Good luck!!!

Vicky x