Hold fast to you dreams...


lovin' it!
...and your blender lids. Mine just exploded and I spent the last 10 min wiping coffee/vanilla shake off my kitchen walls/cupboards and ceiling. If the o/h hadn't taken the camera to work today, I'd have been able to post you all a pic of my sticky mess. :eek:
lol, ooh yuck. I broke my hand blender a couple of weeks ago when it fell off the draining board. Bought a new one from Tesco (£10 - half price) but don't like it as much as my old one :(
Mine broke as well. I didn't buy another LL one, just one from a sports shop and it was small and a bit more compact than the old one. I reckon it was putting it in the dishwasher that finished it off. And yes, I had a sticky mess all over the canteen at work...oops!!
during my 14wks on LT i managed to go through 5 blenders surely this must be a record
:rotflmao: This thread is jinxed!!! Do you know what just happened??

Right after I posted the above, I went and made a shake. Because I am not used to my new blender, and forget it is much taller then the other with a different centre of gravity.....I left it standing in the jug with me blended shake.....and it tipped over!!!!! :D

SPLOOOOOOSH!!!! I couldn;t believe it - just made me laugh so hard!!! Chocolate shake EVERYWHERE!! The counter, my gym bag, my vitamins, total destruction!!! :D

COuld you maybe start a thread about buying a winning lottery ticket next? :D
Oh, no. I've just got the kettle boiling and about to make a latte. I hope this isn't jinxed. Will get onto the lottery thread asap lol! :)