How are the maintainers using Exante products now?


Full Member
Just wondered how all the maintainers use Exante products to help them transition between TS to normaility?

Have you done 1,2, or 3 products a day and then reduced?

What do you have? When do you have it?

Just interested to see how LONG TERM people are relying on Exante.
NO, none now. The first month I stuck to soup for lunch and sometimes a bar. But not now. I am keeping my stock for a spring boost later in the year.

I maintain by using 2 or 3 replacements during the week but none at weekend (do take multivits). At the mo I'm trying to lose the last of what I never got down to, am finding this the hardest bit. But I actually like the soups and shakes etc and suffer from a skin condition but find I'm better when on these.