How do I join a team?


Full Member
Hi All,

How do I go about joining a team? I would love some team mates for encouragement!

Hi August Bride
I'm sorry I can't help you, but I don't like to see a post left hanging without any replies - it can be a bit disheartening for the poster.

So I thought I would just say hi, hope you're well and am replying to this to bump it up for you in the hope that someone might come along and answer your question.

I can'help you about a team either, but I can guarantee you will meet lots of like minded people on here who will give you all the encouragement you need. You can find someone on this forum to talk to nearly anytime of the day (or night sometimes lol). You can join the challenges, I am on two at the moment, the April challenge and the summer solstace challenge. So, even if you can't find a team you are not on your own on this forum. Good luck
Must have missed this one. I wondered the same thing, but then got so much encouragement elsewhere that I forgot about it!