How do you 'feel' about food?

Agree with all the above, every fad diet you can name I have tried it, then when I turned 21 I discovered SW and have stuck to it ever since, food is constantly on my mind and I talk about it non stop my OH and I actually fall out about this a lot as he always says I am obsessed with dieting and it's not healthy - I do often wonder if I do have a problem so it is reassuring to read other people's feelings on food... another bad habit which I am also trying to break is looking forward to weekends as I feel I can fall off plan and eat whatever I want, when I manage to stick to plan no problem whatsoever during the week! This I have managed to control the last few weeks (aiming for goal weight for holiday helps) and another problem is having panic attacks at the thought of eating out...
I love food. I do think it is bordering on obsession! I think about what i am having for my next meal all the time, and if I know my dinner isn't goin to be anythin 'exciting' then it can make me feel quite depressed. Knowing i am having a take away or something of an evening cheers me up and I get quite excited about dinner...

I used to... eat when i was sad. Eat when I was happy. Eat to celebrate. Eat to commiserate. Eat when bored, eat to relax. Had a bad day? I deserve a take away. had a good day? Celebrate with wine and chocolate! I feel miserable. Cake will help! etc etc

I have to say, and I hadn't thought about it til i started writing this post, SW has really helped with that. Cos I can have nice dinners, I can have snacks, I can have treats. When I have done more counting based diets I often felt depressed after eating lunch because I'd feel i'd had too many calories/points whatever and therefore dinner would be small and horrid and that would make me feel depressed all day. I have just had a lovely big lunch, and I am havin chicken, SW chips and veg for tea and looking forward to it!

I do think SW takes the guilt element of dieting away somewhat.

But yes, i love food. :D
My relationship with food was always a weird one. As a child, it was "you must clear your plate, think of all the starving children in *insert impoverished country in the media at the time* who would be grateful for that food!" Part of me would have been happy to parcel it up and send it to them and part of me secretly felt that they would be just as disgusted by butter beans out of a tin as I was. When my mother was going through a tough time emotionally (which was most days, as a general rule) she would come home from work with a carrier bag loaded with bars of chocolate and proceed to demolish them. Her weight fluctuated wildly, she would get bigger and bigger, and then go on some ridiculous diet or other that would shrink her to virtually invisible, and then revert to type and pile it back on again. She's now got type 2 diabetes and still has massive issues with food. At the same time as all this was going on, I was copping for the occasional comment about my "puppy fat" and later after I lost my grandfather "he would have wanted you to lose weight". The teenage rebel in me decided that actually he would have wanted me to be happy, created the chemical formula that "junk food = happiness" and promptly piled on significant amounts of weight.

It has taken me a long time to readjust that way of thinking, and even now, it isnt totally gone - but it is far more controlled. When I am due on, I could eat my way through a supermarket chocolate aisle, but I have come too far to allow that to happen, so I only allow myself small "fixes". The problem with food addiction, is that you can never go cold turkey on it permanently. You could do it short term, with a VCLD, in order to lose some weight, but you still have to face it at some point. In order to exist, we need to eat. You can give up cigarettes, you can give up alcohol, or addictive drugs, and still live without them, but you cannot give up food forever, and to change from a binge eater into a person who eats healthily, takes some serious emotional adjustment and a recognition that perfection is an unattainable state, but that there is a happy medium that can be found and worked with successfully.
I'm the same as most of you. I think about food all the time. I've already planned what I'm having for breakfast in the morning and my tea, although I suppose that's ok when following a eating plan. Just ordered food shopping from asda and get more excited than if shopping for clothes or anything!!

I too pile my fork up while finishing the last mouthful. I am going to make a conscious effort not to do that too

I am so happy to read that you too get more excited about food shopping than clothes shopping!! I thought it was only me! I too food shop online and I love it. I settle down with a large coffee and just love it!! Then when finished, I amend the order countless times!! I am in heaven! :)