How does everyone do it?

I'm new to this forum and have browsed through a few success stories which are amazing! but how does everyone do it?

I mean, I recently lost a stone whilst starting uni (taking me to 12 stone)

without even thinking about losing weight at all! (within like 2 months!)

and then I put it all back on again during exam times and now i've been concsiously trying to lose weight going to the gym everyday and cutting my calories down to 1600 a's been a month and i've only lost 2 pounds!! although I can feel my muscles getting stronger (even though all i really do is cardio) I havent seemed to lose much weight.

what am i doing wrong?????????

somebody help me?:cry:
Hello there and welcome to the forum!

Don't become disheartened, everyone looses weight at a different speed. If you are doing excersize then you will be gaining muscle weight too.

Try measuring yourself once a week or month and then jotting the numbers down, you'll be amazed at the cms/inches you've lost even if you haven't lost that much weight.

I weighed in yesterday and had only lost a pound this week despite knocking myself out with my diet and excersize, but when I measured myself I had lost 6 cms from my waist and thighs!

Plus, 2 pounds off is at least 2 pounds in the right direction! :D

This forum is excellent for support and helping you on when you are feeling like eating twice your body weight in fried chocolate, so stick with it and come here as often as you need to to get to your target. It will happen.

I hope some of this helped and you're feeling better.:rainbow:
Muscle is dense stuff, and therefore weighs more per cubic inch than fat. Check with staff at the gym to ensure your heart is in the fat-burning range and not the muscle-building range when you exercise :)