how long to loose 3 stone


New Member
I was just wondering how long do you think it will take to loose 3 stone, I kinda wanna loose that much by middle of April xx
Thanks in advance
Hi, most people tend to lose around 2 lbs a week. 14 lbs in a stone means 7 weeks for a stone so 21 weeks for three stones. But, some people lose much more each week, some lose much less.
I would begin the SW plan and your weight loss journey with more of a focus on how you will be improving you health long term with every pound you lose, rather than stressing about losing a fixed amount in a fixed time.
To do it in three months, you'd have to lose just over 3lbs a week, no staying the same, no gains, no losing less. high expectations on yourself.
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That will be very hard going. I lost 3st in just over 3months, but started at a much higher weight than you, larger people tend to loose faster when they first start off.
Thanks ladies maybe I will just take it week by week I don't wanna pressure myself to defo loose that amount, I will aim 1 to 2 lbs a week xx
I've not been 17st for about 8yrs, I look back at it with fond memories now, even though I hated it at the time.
I've been 17 stone ish for about 12 years now, yuk, sick of it! my heaviest was 18.2. that's why I'm doing this now, my weight had maintained at around 16.7 for ages but then I allowed it to start creeping up. At one point before Christmas I was up to 17.10 and that scared me, thinking in would soon be back at my heaviest.
And Jhsax, keep at it, you'll be there in no time!
It took me a year to lose the first 3.5st, I do lose slowly though, my average is about 1lb pw.

I think it can depend on lots of factors, for example, the fact that I'm not always 100% on track doesn't help my losses! ;)But age/weight/health/activity, not to mention willpower (or lack of for me!), can all affect it. I would aim for 1lb per week and if it comes off quicker then that's a bonus. x