How many PP should i be on?

That's really good Serena....unfortunately, I'm a bit like 'Well, I'm out for a meal....I'll have what I want' rather than 'Even though I'm out for a meal, I can still choose sensibly'

Are there any 'free' foods on pro points apart from fruit and veg. I mean things like fat free yogurts ect?

1 Extra Light Cheese Triangle, 1 Egg White, 1 Melba Toast, 0pp Soup x
Just a quick check I think my PP is 28? Female, 5ft7in and 10st11lb Thanks :)
Today! Do you know what my boyfriend would be on? Hes 5ft 10in, male and 14st 6lb xx
Thinking of rejoining ww. Can anyone tell me how many points I will be on.
Age 58
Height 5' 7''
Weight 13st 11 lbs.

Hey :) Its 26 Daily PP plus 49 Weekly PP. Good Luck and Any Questions, Please Ask.x
Hiya im new on here and need to lose my post baby weight. Can anyone help me by letting me know how many points im on?

Age 29

Thanks :)
Hi Can anyone help me please. How many Pro Points should I have. I am female, 5ft 2in and 17st 2lb.
thank you