How should I cook fish?


Silver Member
Have some white fish fillets coming with tesco order tommorrow. How did you prepare your fish on refeed. Thinking of poaching one in milk with a bay leaf, some pepper corns and chopped onion ( I( used to make this for my babies when they were weaning) Then lift it out and have it with some green veg. Think that would be ok as i'm allowed milk in tea now? Quite fancy this and keen to develop new tastes - hate fish normally. x
Yep that sounds lovely.
I love to cook my fish like this: place it on some tin foil, add a squeeze of lemon & some black pepper and then scrunch it up and bung it in the oven for about 20-25mins :)

You could also do that but place it on a bed of veg, or cut up a lemon and put that underneath the fish. Can also add any spice and not just black pepper.

I cook my chicken that way too :) x