How was Easter for you all?


Slimming tortoise :o)
Well, another temptation milestone out of the way! I didn't do too badly as I asked DH not to buy me loads of eggs/chocolate etc like he usually does, so he was good and only bought me a small box of 10 lovely handmade chocs which I have eaten, logged, and put behind me (probably literally :8855:) over the holidays.

We had lots of family round, but I did my best to stay on track. A sneaky peek this morning tells me I have gained a pound, but I do think most of this is carb bloat as I have eaten more than I normally do.

It may well be my body hanging on to water to help repair muscle too as I have seriously upped the anti with the exercise over the past 7-10 days as well :character00115: :whacky068: :chores016:

How has everyone else fared?
i had a good ish day food wise, i broke my 40 day lent promise, and had a milk tray choccie and then a terries chocolate orange over 2 days on Easter Sunday and Monday. Im back to no chocolate now
Easter Sunday for me was fine as i just had creme eggs. The next couple of days were tough though as was visiting my mum who works at tesco. All the staff were offered cheap loose choc and my mum bought 3 bags! Was no were near as bad as it couldve been but also couldve behaved more too.