I do not recommend


Having more than one pack within the same couple of hours seriously my stomach does not appreciate.

My own fault really, I kept on putting off eating the packs and then I noticed it was 9pm :eek: and I still hadn't had any of my packs or nearly enough water. So I downed 2 shakes within a couple of hours and I think my stomach is suffering vitamin overload.

Don't know how I'm gonna face the third pack =(
O no did you manage it? I was asking in the total solution sub group about when people take their packs and someone said they know a few people that do have them all at once. I'm about 12, 4, and 9.xx
I have one in the morning about 0830-0900am then have another shake and bar together in the evening. You will soon get into a routine with what works with your day and body!
I do normally have them fairly late as I'm a bit of a night owl so I can have my first @ about 5/6 and then the second by 8ish and the last before bed @ 11ish or later but I had one of those days where I just couldn't be bothered to eat, it seemed like such a big effort and I kept putting it off. And no dolly_daydream I was very bad and only had two pack =/