I may lose some battles but I'll win the war.

:bighug:Big big hug from me to you Purple Patsy, sorry you are feeling so rubbish right now. Just looking back at your diary, its so impressive how many friends you have cheering you on. I haven't got any miracle cures - but if you have got to the point where you are stuck why don't you just have a week off, don't go overboard but don't feel guilty by your "cheats", then restart - this might give your metabollism a kickstart

You have been such a source of comfort and encouragement since my restart, you are such a kind giving person and so inspirational, I hope this nasty cloud shifts so you can reconnect with your mojo soon

In the meantime...don't be too hard on yourself, you are only human, sending you lots of vibes and love, donna x
Aw thanks Donna you say the sweetest things. I keep playing hunt the mojo but haven't found it yet. :D I did the week off thing and now can't get back to it. :( I will keep trying though. :D
Your stuck with me now I've found u hahahahaha (that was an evil laugh btw!!) :)

I'm sure u will no I take that back I know u will :) your always so supportive of everybody else and u deserve the same and u have that here in abundance :)

Back still playing me up still off work dr has signed me off for another 2 weeks but hopefully be back before then and she has referred me for MRI scan. X

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Come and :asskick: whenever you like cos I sure need it. :D
Try this - (hoping to put a faint smile):

The Government has Issued New Guidelines for a Healthy Diet

They advise you to:

  1. List your ten favourite foods.
  2. List your five favourite drinks.
  3. List all green vegetables that look like marsh grass, fur balls or little trees.
  4. List water.
  5. Avoid 1 & 2; eat only 3; drink only 4.
Try this - (hoping to put a faint smile):

The Government has Issued New Guidelines for a Healthy Diet

They advise you to:

  1. List your ten favourite foods.
  2. List your five favourite drinks.
  3. List all green vegetables that look like marsh grass, fur balls or little trees.
  4. List water.
  5. Avoid 1 & 2; eat only 3; drink only 4.
This is how every day starts with me. Full of good intentions. Then I get to items 6 & 7 which are fast food and choccy repectively. ;(
Purple Patsy said:
This is how every day starts with me. Full of good intentions. Then I get to items 6 & 7 which are fast food and choccy repectively. ;(

Try not to stress about it too much. Concentrate on getting back to your happy self and the rest will follow :) xx

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I am good thanks :) have my wobbly days but don't we all! Haha

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You're doing really well though. My wobbly days have turned into a wobbly month. :D Think I might be starting to turn it round again now though.
More in attitude than reality so far though. But as they sy where there's life there's hope. :D
Purple Patsy said:
You're doing really well though. My wobbly days have turned into a wobbly month. :D Think I might be starting to turn it round again now though. More in attitude than reality so far though. But as they sy where there's life there's hope. :D

You can do it :) a month is nothing when you think of your whole life! Plenty of time to jump back on the wagon :) x

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Hello lovely Patsy, you're still sticking with it and that's the main thing, eventually your head will catch up with the rest of you lol...have a good day sweetie :hug99:xxx
Hello lovely Patsy, you're still sticking with it and that's the main thing, eventually your head will catch up with the rest of you lol...have a good day sweetie :hug99:xxx
Thanks lovely Lily. I'm still here and I start each day well but it's a bit hit and miss after I leave work. But as you say I'll get there eventually. Just annoyed at myself for how much I've put back on. :D How's your day going. Well done in advance of WI too. :D
Hey sweetie, I am feeling yuk, got a bad dose of IBS at mo, but the good side is the scales are being good or so mine say and they aren't usually far off.

Hunni I put 10lb on at xmas and am still trying to shift it, but this week I think I have finally managed it, after following the SW plan for the last 4 years I now realise I have glitches like this and the only thing is to just stick with ....I know that way that the weight will eventually fall off and stay off....I would have loved to lose it like Tanya all in 14 months, but it wasn't meant to be, so I am happy to be patient and ride it out.

I need to lose 3.5lb tonight to get back under my pre-xmas weight and my scales are saying 4.5lbs so :fingerscrossed:....just stay here with us hunni and we'll make sure you eventually reach that winning line...like I said I am going to be here for years yet so you won't be alone lol :hug99: xxxx
Hey sweetie, I am feeling yuk, got a bad dose of IBS at mo, but the good side is the scales are being good or so mine say and they aren't usually far off.

Hunni I put 10lb on at xmas and am still trying to shift it, but this week I think I have finally managed it, after following the SW plan for the last 4 years I now realise I have glitches like this and the only thing is to just stick with ....I know that way that the weight will eventually fall off and stay off....I would have loved to lose it like Tanya all in 14 months, but it wasn't meant to be, so I am happy to be patient and ride it out.

I need to lose 3.5lb tonight to get back under my pre-xmas weight and my scales are saying 4.5lbs so :fingerscrossed:....just stay here with us hunni and we'll make sure you eventually reach that winning line...like I said I am going to be here for years yet so you won't be alone lol :hug99: xxxx
You and Jackie really are twins. If you drop me a note of your email address I'll send you the thing I just sent her. Supposed to help all digestive symptoms. Might be worth a try. :D
Afternoon Patsy

Popping in to wave pom poms at you......
Oh blooming hell.....
It don't half make my bingo wings shake ;)
:wavey: hope today is a better day PPP xx
Aw thanks Donna you say the sweetest things. I keep playing hunt the mojo but haven't found it yet. :D I did the week off thing and now can't get back to it. :( I will keep trying though. :D
You can do it Patsy - we are all rooting for you

This is how every day starts with me. Full of good intentions. Then I get to items 6 & 7 which are fast food and choccy repectively. ;(
LOL! so easy to do

You're doing really well though. My wobbly days have turned into a wobbly month. :D Think I might be starting to turn it round again now though.
More in attitude than reality so far though. But as they sy where there's life there's hope. :D
Hey that's fantastic PP, its all about the attitude...great to hear you have started to turn the corner, fighting talk!

LOL Kally so watch out for the tidal wave my belly causes when I laugh. :D
LOL! Mine too, even my chins are wobbling

Have a great day Purple Patsy xxxx