I'm Back


Full Member
I am back on WW and back on here.

I am moving to Melton Mowbray in 2 weeks and so a little nervous.

For people i haven't met, my name is Christina mummy to Megan 16 months. Shes a cardiac baby so the last few years have been tough.

But back on the diet since 26th February 2013, and lost 22lbs.

Lets get the rest shifted. If anyone wants a weigh loss buddy please just let me know.


Well done you !!! I've just moved over from Lipotrim TFR and am I'm re joining WW tonight as I've still got four stone to loose and need to continue my journey with sensible eating.
I will be your buddy :)
Trish x
I am back on WW and back on here.

I am moving to Melton Mowbray in 2 weeks and so a little nervous.

For people i haven't met, my name is Christina mummy to Megan 16 months. Shes a cardiac baby so the last few years have been tough.

But back on the diet since 26th February 2013, and lost 22lbs.

Lets get the rest shifted. If anyone wants a weigh loss buddy please just let me know.


Welcome Christina and Good Luck with your journey, I rejoined on Friday so this is Day 4 for me :) x Looking forward to hearing all about your journey. X

Well done you !!! I've just moved over from Lipotrim TFR and am I'm re joining WW tonight as I've still got four stone to loose and need to continue my journey with sensible eating.
I will be your buddy :)
Trish x

Hi Trish, I would love to be your buddy. I got about 4stone to lose to get me to 12stone and then I am gonna see how I look. Going to try and go on how comfortable I feel.
Hi Christina,

It's nice to meet you! Good luck with everything!

Jo x
Hi Trish, I would love to be your buddy. I got about 4stone to lose to get me to 12stone and then I am gonna see how I look. Going to try and go on how comfortable I feel.

Yeah I agree I'm aiming for small goals , 7lb at a time otherwise I loose sight and control and get fed up :-(
I've promised myself this is the last time and I'm going to reach my goal x
Hi Trish

Me too, i have always lost sight quite quickly. Well weigh yesterday i lost 3lb. so down to 32points now. Which i always find tough, going down in points. :(

whens your weigh in?

Hi Trish

Me too, i have always lost sight quite quickly. Well weigh yesterday i lost 3lb. so down to 32points now. Which i always find tough, going down in points. :(

whens your weigh in?


How many PP do you lose Sweetie? Did you normally use your Weeklies too? X