i'm getting a puppy ~ name help please

Ok I've changed my mind I want you to call your new dog Elvis, that is such a cool name.

In fact I might just get another cat so I can call it Elvis :D
Oscar xxx
I've heard it said that dogs should have short one syllable names although I'm not sure why!

I like Fred ;-)

I also like proper names for dogs and cats, they are real people after all (I'm sure my dog is human) and deserve proper names.
Thanks everyone, some great names there, my favorites so far are archie, rory, i quite like bertie too. It is a beagle. The breeder sent me a picture to my mobile but i can't get it onto my comp. Going to visit it on sunday so i will take pics and post them.
Fred?? Or was he Andy Cap's basset-hound? xx
Jasper. (I had a cat called Rory)
ooo a beagle! they are so damn cool!

i have a little sausage dog, she's a wire haired miniture, she's so mischievious. She's the best dog everrr.

She's called boo (names by previous owners as we bought her at 14 weeks) as she was born on halloween!

- very true about calling names out in public!

her brother was named rocky.. which is a cool boy name.. i really like pablo! i want a cat called pablow.. my brother and his wife have two cats, one called fuzz.. and one called steven baldwin/ howard from the mighty boosh - they couldnt agree on a name haha

i deffinatly think a proper name is the way forward, it makes them part of the family and a bit more humanised i think.
I think 'Bandit' would be a nice name for a beagle. Good luck with him, I would love a dog but they are too much commitment for me.
I had a friend with 2 beagles, one was called Charlie after Snoopy and the other was Jeremy ...

as in Jeremy Beagle (Jeremy Beadle!)
I have a Chihauhau and he's called Pepe, which I like but I also love the name Odie, I've always loved Garfield tho lol.