Intake...and weight?


Full Member
How much extra pounds to you guys find that u have gained throughout the day...due to food intake and water intake?
Sparkling water is allowed! Fills u up much more but I think some should limit this if having trouble losing weight.

I hate hate getting weighed in the evening! I prob weigh 3lbs more than what I weighed this morning!

Definitely at least 4lbs heavier at night than in the morning. That is with clothes on usually, although i weigh in the morning in the nuddy!
I must be odd as i often weigh the same at the end of the day as at the start. Or maybe i just pee loads lol
I weigh 4lb more now than I did this am.

Anyone else heard the old adage : 1 pint of water weighs a lb and 3/4 ?

I must admit I never tried weighing it, maybe I should!
3lb's since this morning lol