Ireland- bia- a bit of craic!

Oh my god - am I right in saying that you're on mat leave now?? Wow. What age are your other 2?? Hope your husband is ok - this news will spur him on. And sure money is tight everywhere!! Congratulations!!
Thanks sus_murf.

I've just realised my last post was a bit all over the place. I only have the 1 child - he'll be 2 in July so the gap between the 2 would be a nice one. I was already a bit overweight starting my pregnancy (almost a stone), and had bad PND after it, and turned to food to help me get through it. So instead of losing weight I ended up being heavier returning to work than I was going into the hospital to have my son :eek: So I had hoped to get to target now, and maybe by knowing how to do the diet I would find it easier to lose the baby weight afterwards, if we had a second.

That's if we had another! My husband and I went through a very difficult patch while I was on maternity leave. He had lost his job and I was an emotional wreck, and for a while there we didn't think we'd make it. Thankfully we did and by and large things are better than ever now. But we recently found out he is quite ill and is now waiting on an operation. Thankfully we have health insurance, so he is going private, and hopefully will have it in the next couple of months. But baby-making was the last thing on our agenda right now. Think I need some time to get used to the idea of another little one before I tell him.
Fmbp, is there any chance it could be an implantation bleed? This happened to me and came around the time my *week was due.
Thanks farmer me and Kezabel.

I've made an appointment with my Dr for tomorrow morning but there might be no point. I've also done another test today and it's negative, although it wasn't the first sample of the day iykwim. Had a quick look on the internet and have read about "false positives" being unlikely and that it could be a chemical pregnancy :confused:

I'm more confused than disappointed to be honest. I hadn't fully come around to the idea of another baby just yet anyway.
Morning all.

Well I'm back from my GP. It seems I'm not pregnant. The dr said it could be that I was very briefly pregnant and it didn't take properly, so a verrrrry early miscarriage or chemical pregnancy, or that there was a problem with the first test i.e. I did it wrong or it was an evaporation line I saw etc. I don't think it was but sure who knows.

Anyway she offered to do a blood test to get it all confirmed as apparently the GPs tests can be less sensitive than the ones we do at home, but I said that I'd give it a miss and if I had any reason to suspect that I may still be pregnant in a week or so I could do another test (I bought a 3 pack so have 1 left anyway).

So that's it then. I think I feel like a glass of wine now. Gosh I've not had any alcohol since Christmas/New Year but all of a sudden I feel like one. Strange.

In other news, I lost 1.5lbs this week. No idea how that happened. I think since last week when I did the test I decided I was eating for 2 and gave into temptation almost immediately, but I still lost. I'd say I'm in for a nasty shock next week. Just gotta stick to the plan this week. 100% from here on in!!!!
Thanks misspaf. I think I will allow myself a little tipple tonight. I'll probably stick to a West Coast Cooler tho - I barely drink any more and if I were to open a bottle of wine, there's no telling what I'd be like in the morning. Course I know I could just buy a little, 1 glass bottle, but sure they're as expensive as a whole bottle (of nice cheap plonk from Aldi or Lidl!)

Anyone any idea how many syns in a regular/small bottle of West Coast Cooler? I presume there are calories on the bottle and it's the usual 20 calories to 1 syn rule anyway with alcohol. I'm guessing 6 syns for now (please don't let it be more than 6!!!!!)
Well I finally managed to find the chicken bovril - thanks sus_murf. Found it in Tesco MP this evening. No luck with the mugshots tho. Maybe next time.

So I've been checking out the KFC chicken the chicken bovril "paste" the same thing? Also, have any of you made it? I've only ever actually had KFC once myself. Have no recollection if I liked it or not, but I've been known to wander into Hillbillies at 2 in the morning!
Hi Ladies, just wondering if anyone knew the super 6 fruit and veg in Aldi now, They dont have it up on their website for a couple of days, had fab offers on until Saturday last stocked up on loads of pineapple and peppers:) thanks
Hiya, I was in Aldi yesterday. I'm not 100% certain but off the top of my head I think it was cherry tomatoes, cucumber, scallions, lemons, sweet potato, and........I can't remember the last one. They are 45 cent this week (or maybe 49! I'd have to check my receipt). Also, for anyone who didn't stock up on peppers last week, they still have a 2 pack for 79cent this week.

Also, I heard on the radio earlier today that Tesco have a 3 for 3euro offer on fruit to include grapes, pineapples etc. I don't know what size the grapes etc are but I paid 2.95 yesterday for a pack so will be ever so slightly peed off if it's the same for effectively a euro in Mr T.

Just remembered the last item is celery.
thanks for the reply, will have to stock up in aldi and also check out tesco, find if i have plenty of fruit and veg in stops me from falling off the wagon
I agree Trishka. Although I think I need to shake it up a little bit now - I've been eating a lot of fruit the last few months, especially compared to what I was before SW (mouldy oranges anyone???) but I'm kinda getting to the point now where they don't quite give me that sweet fix I was looking for, and I sometimes find I still eat that chocolate biscuit(s) or bar, having already eaten a bowl of strawberries or half a punnet of grapes. I might start sampling a few more "exotic" fruits - maybe 1 different one a week.
FMBP, at the start of the week, I chop a pineapple, melon, mango into a big tupperware container and add some other fruit - berries, kiwis, whatever and I snack on that during the week. I top it up as I use it so that it's always a little better. Sometimes I crumble a meringue into it, or stir a yogurt through it. I'm not bored of it yet!