Ireland- bia- a bit of craic!

One question NewMe, have you reached 100Ibs loss. I can relate to this because I'm 5Ibs off it and at the most your 2Ibs at the most away from that or maybe you have reached it

Hope you dont mind me asking you this hun
haven't reached it Orla I would love to get it next week but it's doubtful I have a lot on. I'm 1.5 away from 100lbs lost! Feels really weird typing that! I have one more weigh in before Christmas left :)

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I have two more, next Tuesday and the 30th as well, wouldnt it be great if I could have the 7st lost by then but I dont think I will
NewMe and Orla , you both are flying along - super well done to you both .. Hopefully I won't be too far behind ye in getting into that 100 club :)
I was thinking of you I82much when I posted the reply, your not that far at all, lets keep that century club in our focus, all three of us could be going there very soon (I suspect NewMe you might get there first)
Hi just wondering how everyone is getting on here, no activity all week here

I got my 7st award last Tuesday, you can imagine my tears and shock when I saw 12st 13.5Ibs, such a proud moment for me

Going back tomorrow and I wouldn't be surprised to see a gain but I enjoyed Christmas and already I have drawn a line
I've been off plan all over Christmas trying to get back on but it's so hard. House still full of food, sweets, biscuits etc. Going back to class tomorrow so will see what the damage is.

Orla massive congratulations on your 7 stone award. It's such a good feeling isn't it. :)

Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and a happy new year :)

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I'm definitely facing a gain but I'm not going to be upset , I've enjoyed myself and I've already mounted that wagon again . Even though I've been off plan food wise I have gotten out everyday for a brisk walk so I'm hoping that might just have limited the damage a little bit :)

2015 will be just fabulous , I can feel it in my bones
NewMe, I got rid of the biscuits (mainly by eating them myself :17729:) and then gave the rest away but do you know what, I don't feel one bit guilty, after all it is only one week in the year so you can be good 51 other weeks. Have to be honest though, checking my inches this morning, I'm the exact same as last week when I got my 7st award so maybe I have got away with a sts and I would be thrilled with that. By the way, I copied your 7st sticker on your page, thanks for that and yes it felt brilliant now all I need is 1.5Ibs loss to make it to the century club

I82much, I only got out for a walk once this week because it is very icy on the roads and paths, I can't take any chances now that I'm due to get my hip done soon enough. I was off plan 2 days last week and the rest of the week I have been very good. I made the mushy pea curry and the speed soup and have been great eating the melon and having strawberries
Not too sure about the new plan as I love my carbs and in particular my potato too much

Will listen in and decide then this evening whether it is for me or not, I'm too close to target now
Sorry to but in but I'm wondering about this new plan? I had great success ( 5 stone) ages ago with ee and red but was never able to recreate it :'-( so I would be interested in hearing what you think of new plan and how it's different. Is it like the red plan? Thanks
Not sure yet puddinpop, will know this evening what it involves
I'm a huge believer in my carbs but I know they are what is holding me back.
Puddinpop the new plan is basically extra easy if you remove superfree and replace with speed foods (there are a few changes, parsnip and pineapple for example are no longer speed foods) and add a new category for proteins. Instead of 1/3 of your plate superfree, you now have half of the plate speed foods and half protein foods. "Other" free foods, like potatoes, pasta, rice, parsnip and mullers are not banned, you can have them on a rare occasion on the SP plan, but if you are regularly adding them in, you may be better on EE. You also get an extra HEB (although olive oil is no longer a HE). You still get your 5-15 syns for other stuff and the syn value columns in the book have only one column as they are no longer supporting red or green (although you can still follow them if you know the old syn values yourself well enough or keep your old books).
Hope this makes sense
Glad you explained that very well Miss_Taken, I haven't had a chance to look at the book yet and just wondering is there any major syn value changes
Not to my knowledge, and nothing that I've come across as long as you followed extra easy before. There is a new beta for the online food diary that I quite like tho. It seems more user friendly and you can plan ahead although it doesn't yet support sp.
Yep Im thinking that's what our consultant said last night alright , think she was saying sweet and sour chicken jumped drastically , thankfully Chinese food is something I can live without ;)