Step 1 Sole Source I've lost just over a stone now but hardly no inches? Is this normal ...

I have been on sole source now for 3 weeks and lost 15lbs
I'm happy with the loss but I haven't lost much in inches
It's barely noticeable and not one person has commented on it yet ...

I'm just a little disappointed ... surely a stone loss would result in SOME differences?
Have you actually been measuring? Sometimes it is difficult to tell but they are going off. My CDC measures me and almost weekly there are changes, but sometimes it will just be the waist, others the arms etc. There is no telling where it will go off.
Chlo said:
Have you actually been measuring? Sometimes it is difficult to tell but they are going off. My CDC measures me and almost weekly there are changes, but sometimes it will just be the waist, others the arms etc. There is no telling where it will go off.

Seconded ^
ninjahippo said:
I have been on sole source now for 3 weeks and lost 15lbs
I'm happy with the loss but I haven't lost much in inches
It's barely noticeable and not one person has commented on it yet ...

I'm just a little disappointed ... surely a stone loss would result in SOME differences?

I keep thinking HEY! I'm losing weight, someone notice !!!! But I guess a BIG loss with make the difference. As long as someone sees you as FAT then they won't tell the diff... I'm on week 3 too. Disheartening but my trousers and tops are slightly looser!
I've lost 30lb do far my clothes are starting to hang and loads of people haven't noticed but I don't care one bit, I know and the scales know, that's all that matters, lots of people I think don't always want us larger people to lose weight for me I am the cumfy fat friend, my own sister hasn't said one word about my weight loss, :), keep it up your doing great :)
The first time I did this diet people, started to noticed after I lost 2 stones, nothing before, it's not noticeable enough.
First time I did this diet, no one said anything until I lost a good 3-4 stone. But I live in leggings, so noone can tell unless wear something fitted. I'm wearing a top today that last year I wore with tights as a dress. Today it hardy covers my arse and is deffo more a top lol.

but you will notice soon, go shopping and try next size down that will help :) x
Inches are a funny old thing, in 8 weeks I lost a total of 3.5" off my waist and in the following 4 days I lost 1.5" from there! My arms are huge and in the 9 weeks I have been doing this I have just lost one inch! Inches will come off eventually and it may be that you notice an inch loss in the week where you have a smaller pound loss...strange I know!
Try not to let it bother you too much as it took me to shift three stone before my huge thunder thighs moved an inch on the tape measure! It was almost like my body was saying 'Nooo not another one of your stupid crazy diets' but after the three stone it the inches started to come off!

Try taking a photo of yourself after every stone you lose or find/ buy something that you would love to get into! (for me it was this brown jacket i had from uni, could barely go over my bingo wings at the start and now it looks crazy big!) that way you can track your progress

You're doing great and I know how annoying it can be to put in the work and not feel like you're getting the results but the inches will come my waist started at 49 and now it's a snug 31 you just have to be patient! It's impossible for you not too lose the inches as well as the pounds! Good luck hunny and keep us updated :D
I felt the same. I would go agggges with losses every week but no one seemed to be noticing. I was also still in the same size trousers for the first 2 - 2 1/2 stone then it was as if almost over night it dropped off and I'd lost 2 dress sizes and everyone was full of compliments. As every one else has said please don't feel disheartened it will come good soon :). Keep going!!

Lynne - week 24, 86.5lbs down 9lbs to go... :)