Kalima does Keto


I want to give a meal replacement diet a go. My friend is doing Herbalife but the cost of it is shocking. I lost the will to live when the rep tried to include vitamin pills, yet the basic product gives 150% or thereabouts of rda of vitamins, plus the supplementary powder product gives 130% rda of vitamins. They rambled on about why women needed them , i think i must have been glaring at him as he eventually put the pills away. Anyway the cost for 2 weeks basic product and 1 month supplementary product was around 108 euro, if i wanted a months supply of each it was 162 euro!!

I went home and looked up Exante, they have an offer on, 68 shakes and a shaker for €49.95 but it has to be shipped to the Canary Islands where I live so ive no idea how long it will take, maybe 3 weeks. I had an email suggesting delivery by Thurs or Fri this week, but im not holding my breath on that one.

The local supermarket do a similar diet meal replacement system by Deliplus thats cheap and alright i suppose except it contains sugar (doh!) so im using that twice a day until the Exante turns up.
Edit: turns out doesnt contain sugar. Result!

Its monday, i started it today. I weigh 99.5 kilos, my goal is to be somthing less than lets say 90 kilos. By August. I was 104.5 kilos in January when i saw my doc.

Im diabetic type 2 on glucophage maximum dose and its starting to fail me. Im dreading the day i have to go on insulin. Im sure it will be fine but i want to put it off as long as possible. In Jan i thought the day had come, blood tests came back not good hba1c put me at around 13 and i was feeling bloody grotty. I also had a nasty food poisoning called Campylobacter for which i needed treatment. The diabetic nurse called me back a week later and suggested a supplementary drug called empagliflozin . You need to lose weight she said. Right. Ill go on a diet, i promise. The b***h wrote that down on my notes.

I go back in March for another blood test, first thing she says when i sit down ‘ how much weight have you lost?’ Bugger, it came back to me, the promise to lose weight. Im stammering some pathetic excuse as she is pushing the scales towards me. I get on, im 99.5kilos. I lost 5 kilos!!! How in the hell...??? Something to do with food poisoning no doubt. The new blood test though wasnt so good, not much improvement. I bargained with her to give me till August.

Im still 99.5 kilos and its June , i have to get my ass in gear or they will take me off this new med (which is bloody expensive by the way) and probably put me on insulin. So.... Exante

My friend, lets call her ..... Kate , was very excited that she started her herbalife diet on Sunday.
Look! she said, i bought these great snacks!
Why? I asked her as im looking at the back of the pack and work out 311 calories for the pack of crisp like triangular.... things.
They said i had to have 2 snacks a day.
Fruit Kate, they meant fruit...

Ive suggested we have a weigh in at my place on Saturday morning as i have electronic scales and she has no scales. She is now suggesting a weigh in a 2 weekly intervals. Im not giving in.
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Kate rang me yesterday evening distraught, she cant cope with how she is feeling on the diet, she tried to play tennis and said she nearly collapsed on the court. I pointed out to her that rep said gentle excercise, walking. Not 2 hours on a tennis court.

She told me these replacement meal diets dont work for her (think snacks, iincluding as it turned out chocolate covered cereal bars a cheese roll and a packet of skips). She cant do it!! I felt like she was trying to transfer the blame onto me,but im having none of it.

I called her today and talked about other diet options she could follow, im not convinced she willdo it though. She has agreed to weigh in on saturday.

My driving force is the doctors appointment i have in august. My hba1c was very high at 13.5 last time. Bear in mind i knew this in march and its now june before im dealing with it. I needed a base line reading, so did a finger prick test first thing , 6.6!!! I cant remeber the last time i got a reading that low, its not perfect but its a damn sight better than 13.5.

We went out with a friend for dinner last night, these things are going to happn and i need to make sensible choices. They had pasta i had tuna and egg salad, it was lovely, i had a glass of wine too and i still got the low reading this morning. Happy days!

Also have a long standing lunch date with girlfriends tomorrow too, it will be salad again.

Still waiting for my exante order to arrive, meanwhile i have the supermarket deliplus version to keep me going
I nearly came unstuck yesterday evening by pushing myself too hard. My first shake was about 12, i pottered about a bit and had a nap. When i woke i had a cup of tea. At about 5 pm my hub suggested going out for a walk. I should have had a 2nd shake there and then but i didnt as i like saving my 2nd shake for bedtime so im not hungry trying to sleep. We ended up walking almost 4 miles, i wasnt exactly hungry but i was feeling very shaky and unsteady. It was too much effort on too little nourishment. Even after we got home and i ate myevening meal i still felt shaky so i had an apple and that settled it and then when i went to bed i was too full for the 2nd shake. Not good planning.

Today im going out for lunch with friends, long standing arrangement. The restaurant does a set meal 3 courses for €8.95 and i will most definitely be having a glass of wine but i wont be having dessert. In fact i think 2 salad based courses may be too much , im going to practice picking at my food lol.

My weigh in is tomorrow, hopefully with Kate.
Im struggling with feeling sick and bloated tonight. I went out for lunch with my friends, i had melon and serrano ham to start and grilled prwns with salad. A small glass of red wine and black coffee. Hubby wanted to go out for a walk this evening but i just couldnt do it as i felt weak and shaky and sick. I did go about a quarter of a mile but had to go home. I had a shake mid evening and feel bloated again. Hoping to get myself sorted tomorrow and back to plan. Trying to drink more water as im probably less than ideal today

I walked 4 miles yesterday and about 3 or 4 miles the day before, its too much to expect to do it every day.

Tomorrow will be better

I’m new here but sounds like a little more water and taking it easy on yourself is just what your body is telling you right now.

Your energy levels will peak again as soon as your body understands what is happening. I started exante a few weeks ago but gave in about a week later due to some stressful home life issues which I know I’m using as an excuse so I gave myself a serious talking too this evening and restarting tomorrow.

I’m expecting the energy crash but I know that it will pick up again. I hope that you feel better tomorrow and remember to be kind to yourself and take things as slow as your body tells you. Also WATER. You’ll feel 100% better sweetie
I managed to drink more water last night and did perk up a bit. Im wondering though if my blood glucose crashed, i should have tested to check. I tested this morning and its 5.5 but i also noticed the strips are a few months out of date. I may have to look for a new monitor and strips as the one i have is from UK, i have to be sure of the reading because if 5.5 is correct then i may need to adjust my meds down by the end of next week otherwise this will keep happening, but i dont want to adjust my meds if its a false reading.

I weighed in at 95.2 a loss of 4.3 kilo. I wanted to weigh today even though Monday is my 7 day mark as i was hoping Kate would join me, i havnt heard from her yet though and she didnt answer my text last night even though i know she was online. I may just have to leave her alone to get on with it herself, or not as the case may be. I know only too well myself that you have to be in the right head space to do it. She was really fired up for it when she got her pack of shakes so its a shame she dropped out so quick.

Still no sign of my exante order so i will have to buy more of the supermarket ones today. I was pretty sure they contained sugar but i have thoroughly read the label now which is in spanish, and i dont see sugar (azucar) listed as an ingredient so maybe i was wrong on that. The calorie value is slightly higher than exante at 237 but that includes 200ml skimmed milk whereas exante is 200 cals but mixed with water. They are cheap too at a euro a sachet.
im worried my blood glucose testing kit is giving me incorrect readings as the strips are out of date, so went to a local farmacia to buy a new one. They gave me a new kit free of charge! It has 10 strips included but extra packs are 43 euro for 50 or i can get them on prescription. I have to wait till the morning to test again. I bought some ketostix as well, im not that bothered about ketosis but its good to know and yes im in ketosis so thats a bonus.

I bought some more deliplus shakes including the chocolate flavour and its delicious, it tastes like a very naughty treat.

So today i had my vanilla shake at 11am, some simple soup made with green veg at 3pm. I had a salad with boiled egg and some soya based chilli at 5.30pm. And my final shake, the chocolate one at 10pm. We also went out for a walk this evening after i had my salad and felt fine, we walked over 3 miles today in all. A pretty good day!
I did a blood glucose test this morning on the new kit and another on the out of date one. New one recorded 6.7 old one 5.6. Either result is fantastic but at 6.7 not time to start reducing my meds yet.

Bad diarrhoea today so im staying home where its safe! Hope that settles down soon.

I told my friend Jane about the diet today. She used to be a rep for a meal replacement plan called microdiet so you would think she would ‘get it’ . Not so, she kept trying to tell me how much better it would be if i bought slimming world meals from iceland. Gahhh i give up.

Itv are showing a 2 part program on exante this week, so that will be interesting.

I made a delicious soup yesterday, a bag of spinach a bag of watercress some water and a chicken stock cube , boiled for 10 mins and whizzed up in a blender. So so delicious, it made enough for 3 generous portions for 3 days

I also bought ketostix yesterday and am in ketosis all the time even if i eat an apple, so i did a bit of research on one of my diabetic meds empagliflozin. Turns out this drug encourages ketosis, interesting.
It seems that the BBC documentary caused high demand on products and Exante sold out. Looks like there may be another bout that of this with the show you’re talking about.

Congrats so far and hope your tummy trouble clears up soon. I had that on and off for a few weeks and probably still suceptible as I get IBS. The diet is too good so I’m prepared ignore those issues :)
Hi pigletville

No sign of my exante order yet, ive had at least 5 emails with dates for varying portions of the order. The deliplus stuff isnt bad though, in fact the chocolate one is delicious. Ive bought the current groupon offer and having that delivered to a uk address for my son to bring out to me at end of june.
Haha. They sent me 2 banana milkshakes from my first order....rest to come! I deliberated whether to wait to start, but went out and bought some Lighter life stuff to see me through until the next part of the order arrives....should be today. My worry is that I've ordered too much of a variety and will want to try it all at once! Fingers crossed I shall show the will power to resist!
Groupon deal sounds interesting....is it a bargain?
I had an email this morning from Exante in spanish, basically saying i have to supply my NIE (identity) number in order to get my order delivered. Thats fine, what wasnt fine was the email stated you cannot reply to this email, but they gave me no alternative method of communication!

I found the uk number from the website and spoke to Daniel who promised to deal with it for me.

I placed another order yesterday from the groupon deal, that i had delivered to a uk address and that turned up today, excellent except its 2000 miles away. I have to wait for my son to come out end of june. Its entirely possible that ill get that order before the spanish order.

I have had a completely rubbish day today. I slept badly last night so im tired grumpy and craving carbs. I havnt given in though but its been miserable today. Hoping tomorrow will be better. Im getting bloody awful indigestion too. Meh....
How annoying! But at least you know the ones on the UK are on the way and will be hand delivered! My supplies eventually arrived around about lunchtime. I'm glad I've made a second order for shakes....the order that arrived this morning contains many biscuits and bars...the idea of living on biscuits for the foreseeable is a bit odd, especially as I start this exante phase after low carbing for months. Today I had a chocolate orange bar and a white chocolate raspberry bar....both extremely sweet, but quite filling. I think your wait will be worth it....😀
Hi Pigletville

I havnt ordered any bars just shakes, not keen on sweet stuff and i water the shakes down more to make them less sweet.

Good that you put your order in already, did you know there is a program on Weds and Thurs at 9pm itv featuring Exante. So no doubt there will be a run on product again come Thursday
Good call on the bars...terribly sweet! Just had my first cookie, that was even sweeter. Oh! And a really weird stodgy texture. Not weird enough or stodgy enough for me not to finish though! I woke up this morning ravenous, and needed anything to get rid of the metallic taste in my mouth; all good signs but not very pleasant all the same!
I saw on an earlier post of yours about the ITV programme, so I looked in the schedules...it looks really interesting, about reversing diabetes 2. That's the one isn't it?
I found another source for exante products that might be of interest to you: eBay. Not sure whether they post to Canaries but it might be worth a look before the run on exante begins on Wednesday night!!
Have a great day!!
I started exante yesterday with about 2 stone to lose. The meal sachets are revolting so far and kicking myself for ordering those. The shakes and smoothies are fine. I am thinking of sending the meal ones back. The biggest advantage with exante over other stuff is that they are very nutritionally balanced. I am going to try a couple more of the meals but not holding my breathe. I will just stick to the shakes etc. As a chef I can pretty much stomach anything but the cheesy bacon egg things were nearly making a reappearance. Lets face it 2 eggs fresh are both under 200 calories so may just opt for those. My motivation to stick with it is I tell myself that millions of kids are starving and have to eat nutri-porridge all the time with no end in sight. So just get it down and move on. The shakes are really good though so not that hard. Keeping busy is key. Alchohol is the hardest for me.
Don't forget homemade chicken stock skimmed of fat for soup making adds loads of flavour and nutrition.
As a hungry person I can pretty much stomach anything! 😁
I don't think that normally I would eat either the bars or meals, but with such reduction in choice in this diet, I'm not fussy! The shakes are quite nice, but I'm going to have to train myself to constantly eat sweet things....sweet things being things I've tried to avoid in the last couple of years.
Just finished day 5 so feeling pretty proud of myself. Hope it's going well for all of you too. 🙂
Did you all watch the program this evening?

I had to go out today so had my shake this morning, got back in time to make a batch of soup only to find my hob has packed up. Rushed around trying to find somewhere to boil a pot of spinach and watercress but by the time that was sorted itvwas time to make my salad. Just feel like today was a mess and tomorrow is going to be worse. I need to buy a new hob now and find someone to fit it. Gahhhh at least im not hungry so that’s something
Today was a bit mixed, on the whole i stuck to plan, maybe not MY plan but someones plan .... maybe.

Breakfast out with friends, Thursday is breakfast club day. Thats ok, its part of my plan and cooked breakfast has to be one of the easiest meals to keep low carb. I had the small breakfast of 1fried egg, 1 slice bacon, 1 sausage, 1 tinned plum tomatoe.

After breakfast things got a bit manic, first i secured an electrician to arrive at 8.15 tomorrow to fit my new hob. Great, except i don’t actually have a new hob. No worries, i can sort that (haha , i thought)

Next rushed off to pick up a friend who needed to be taken to a farmacia to get some antihistamines, dropped them at the farmacia then rushed off 6 miles in the other direction to take another friend to the doctors. Finally heading back home at about 2.30 so started my search for a new hob. Local Conforama have plenty on display but none in stock, same at worten. Conforama at La Laguna hold all the stock, and they have 5 of the model i want.

Went home at 3.30 to have a cup of veg soup and collect hubby to make the hour trip to La Laguna. Got there, found the hob, paid for it, went to the warehouse to collect it and waited. And waited. And waited. 45 minutes. Now, i can speak a modicum of spanish, i even managed to argue in spanish, where i fall down is that i struggle to understand what is being spoken back at me. There was an issue and i couldn’t understand what it was , something about expo...

Back into the store to find someone who can speak a bit of english, turns out there are 5 in stock, they are just not entirely sure where those 5 are. Its now 6pm, i have an electrician arriving at 8.15am tomorrow morning and im running out of options. I point to the one on display. Este es mio , i say hopefully, Tomo este. This is mine, ill take this one. The guy shrugs and takes it out of the display, ok he says. Yes!!! I have a hob.

Now we are back on the road heading home, im tired and hungry, and a glass of wine sounds like a bloody good idea. So when we finally get back near home at 7.30 pm I stop at a local restaurant close to where we live. Tuna and egg salad for me plus a glass of red, lovely.

So that was my day, hopefully the electrician will actually turn up mañana en la mañana. Funny thing is, im not actually doing much cooking on this diet lol