Karen's all-new SW diary - getting started

Thanks Lydia, you too.

Have been ever so slightly over on syns today, courtesy of a slice of chocolate cheesecake that turned out to be a most impressive 25 syns! (Keith asked if it was made with chocolate-flavoured lard!)

But I enjoyed it and it was lovely and I don't regret it :D

I've had a light tea to make up for it and planning a lovely Free fry-up for Saturday brekkie tomorrow (drool).

Scarily I have also decided to go part-time at work! I was off sick before Xmas with stress and have never really recovered properly. Finally decided to go for it and will try to make up some of the shortfall with consultancy work as I've always wanted to do that but never had the bottle. Ideally I'd like to become a consultant full-time and give up the day job completely but that's too scarey right now.

WOW it really is the year of change for you hun isn't it, good luck with the consultancy, I'm sure you'll do great x
Hi Karen,

You seem really motivated :)

Glad you have come to a comprimise with work, I'm sure it will bring such a positive change to your life :)

Good luck with SW x
Morning Karen, hows it going?
just popped by to say hello and see how its going
Hi Karen

Didn't want to loose contact with you now you're on SW. Hoping everything goes Ok for the new diet and the new part-time working.
