Ladies! Cravings?


Silver Member
As soon as it gets close to TOTM I find I really crave sugar. I have no idea how to handle this. Is it best to give in and do what my body seems to want me to do, or to fight it? Does anyone know *why* this particular craving?

I saw a KitKat advert just now. Normally that wouldn't mean anything, but I found myself really wanting one. A left over tin of Roses got opened at work today. Again, normally I can ignore that without effort. Today I was desperate to get my hands in there!

Anyone else the same? What do you do? I do use Splenda, but I seem to really want chocolate, for some reason, and not the 95% cocoa kind! I am trying to include small, occasional "treats" now, and normally I can manage a little chocolate without craving, but right now I worry if I start, I won't stop!
Yep I have sugar cravings too, especially as thanks to low carb eating I have two totm - per month!

I have sugar free jelly pots in the cupboard for those moments :)
cravings....blahhhhh i think i crave everyday :sigh:
cream whisked with some splena on a S/F jelly i would
gladly eat over yeah and sometimes
a little whisked cream with strawberries is yumm to.
best thing is not to eat it to begin with.......
i've done this,thought oh i'll just have a little,but it dosnt work
that way,and then off i go into a tail spin:eek:
step away from the choccie.
I can't blame my TOTM - too old - but my craving becomes a binge - I'm a recovering chocoholic. Much better of late though.
Thanks to low carbing I think. :)
Well i do have some sf choccie in the house - but so terrified of the poly trots that limits my cravings fairly significantly:)
Polytrots are BAD - but depends on the product - and unhelpfully we all react differently.

I'm fine with Atkins bars but oh the pain of Thorntons diabetic choc....
Sorry I never got back to you lovely people, I was too busy moping around being sore and bloated and cross with everything. Auntie Flo is late, but making her arrival known in every possible way for the last 2 weeks. I gained about 6lb overnight on Monday. Overnight! Helped by a drunken evening and some chocolate, but still. I REFUSE to add it to my ticker. It's pretend weight! It's not real!

Just keep plodding on, I guess, and hope it's all water weight, and disappears once I FINALLY get my period. I wish the contraceptive injection didn't make me blow up like a balloon, I could really do without all this palaver every month. Cravings gone, at least. Terrible thing is, when I did give in and snaffle some Belgian choc squares, I really didn't find them all that delicious. I just don't, anymore. I've ruined my sweet tooth! :D

Thanks for the replies. Nice to know I'm not the only one with a choccie stash!
Just as a side note... I was on the depo jab for about 3yrs whilst in the raf as I did lots of travelling. Once I'd settled into it (after a looong totm) they stopped completely. I did however put weight on. Since leaving I came off depo n onto cerazette, a progesterone only mini pill. I can't have the combined due to suffering migraines. Well totm still don't come yet I feel much better on cerazette. It also has a 12hr overlap window in case u didn't take it bang on time.
ha,the first notification in my email is this thread,
and what am i eating......whipped cream :eek:
purley madicinal purposes :D
Having a creamy coffee and waiting for sf jelly to set ;)
LOL! I love my creamy coffees. I even tried Bulletproof coffee (basically- blend it with unsalted butter), and it's actually really nice! I realise it sounds awful, but hey, the Tibetans do it with rancid butter, can't be worse than that, right?

I have de-bloated now and feel a bit more human. The carb-craving monster has gone back into her lair to sleep for a few weeks. But I do need to buy a new jar of Green & Black's cocoa powder. In this cold weather I really feel like a having a creamy hot chocolate. Yum!
Well tomorrow I am stick in waiting for a delivery, hope to try a mim, some cream cheese muffins, a soya milk hot choc and something yummy from the freezer ......hopefully thn I'll have my new sofa and the sf jelly will have set ;)
i'm going to be waiting for the tumble dryer man,so
i'm going to have stuffed mushrooms...stuffed with bacon
and cheese,and hopefully a strawberry mousse,however
if my cauliflower cheese is anything to go by..........
maybe just the mushrooms. lol