Lady Amalthea's Quest For Slimville!

Have a lovely time Erin! Hope your willpower gets you through, but don't be too hard on yourself it's all about moderation not abstinence! ;)
I had a brilliant time this weekend, thanks!

& I can report a loss of 3lbs when I had my weigh-in earlier :) Not gonna lie, I wasn't an angel over the weekend but I didn't go overboard and am rather proud of myself!!

Now...back to business:

Breakfast - 2 weetabix with ss milk followed by a ww yoghurt

Lunch - Tuna & sweetcorn sandwich on brown bread & some mixed melon&grapes

Dinner - homemade macaroni cheese (with reduced fat cheddar!) and a side salad

Snacks - fruit!

Gotta get the water intake back up again after the weekend since the majority of my fluid intake was probably vodka ;) haha.
I'm sticking to my daily morning exercises of 30 sit ups, 30 push ups & 30 squats (in spurts of 10). Hopefully up that to 50 of each over the next few weeks.

Intake today:

Breakfast - red grapes & a ww strawberry yoghurt

Lunch - Chicken cup a soup followed by a bowl of salad

Dinner - Mediterranean stuffed peppers

Snacks - fruit & a mini milk ice lolly if it's still this hot later in the day!

1 pint of water down already too :)
Breakfast - ww peach yoghurt

Lunch - Vegetable cup a soup & fruit

Dinner - king prawn & chunky veg skewers with side salad

Snacks - fruit

Done my 30 sit ups, 30 push ups & 30 squats this morning...did them all as whole 30s rather than 10 of each x 3 - near killed me hahaha.
Aiming for 50 sit ups, 50 push ups & 50 squats this morning. Will let you know how I got on. Got the docs in a bit so will quickly note down today's planned intake:

Breakfast - ww black cherry yoghurt & a banana

Lunch - Tomato soup

Dinner - Tuna pasta salad

Snacks - fruit
50 squats - no bother!
50 sit ups - a struggle with a few breaks
50 push ups - near impossible. 20 in one go at a push. I have NO strength in my arms :( Will do the other 30 in a bit hahaha
Oooft...I go away for my summer job on Tuesday and my flat lease here runs out while I'm gone so that means I have to have everything all packed up & ready to go! Some stuff I'm storing at my parents so my Dad is coming up on Sunday to take that away - I hope it all fits in the car eek.

Anyway, point is, I'm stressing!! But not binging, which is a BIG achievement for me :).

Breakfast - porridge with ss milk and a ww yoghurt

Lunch - Lots of lovely grapes (red & green)

Dinner ???

Dinner is '???' because I am going out for leaving drinks with some friends tonight and will be eating out. It's just a wetherspoons so I'll pick the healthiest option on the menu. Drinks-wise, I'm not meant to drink on my meds cause I get super drowsy so I'll stick to water/OJ/cranberry juice.
I ended up having a tuna melt panini at wetherspoons. Oops. Not the most healthy option but I DID skip on the chips :)

Drinks-wise... oh dear. So much for not drinking. 2 french martinis, 1 vodka and coke and a bottle of corona.

My own damn fault if the scales go up on Monday now :(

Today I'm off to my leaving picnic/gathering with the roller derby girls so who knows what delicious treats will be placed in front of my very eyes :(
dont worry about some treats, we all have bad days and you're only human. just get back on track as soon as you can :)
Yeah I agree, try not to worry and keep positive! :)
Thanks, ladies.

I did indulge at my farewell picnic - vegetable samosas & crisps being my big downfalls haha.

The pics from my night out last night (the 6th) have made me more determined than ever to lose weight. These few photos in particular:




Doesn't help that I'm stood next to my gorgeous, slender friend in that last one :(.

Anyway, not gonna beat myself up about this weekend going a little bit off track. Onwards and downwards, I say!

Hope you are all having a good weekend so far.
I move away for my summer job on Tuesday so my Dad's coming up to move some of my stuff back home - including my PC! So I won't have access to the forum until I'm at my new job & settled etc.

Soooo, I've weighed in 1 day early and, despite my slips this weekend, have lost another 3lbs !! Taking me down to 2lbs below my starting weight...yaaaay!!

Today's intake will consist of:

Breakfast - muesli ww ss milk and some red grapes

Lunch - Tuna salad wrap

Dinner - Mediterranean chicken salad

Snacks - fruit!!

Hope you all get off to a good start for the coming week & hopefully manage to be posting again by next weekend!
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ooo, just tried on the new dress the derby girls got me for going away and actually feel not too bad in it:


Nice & floaty round the bottom half to hide the lumps & bumps!
Congrats on the loss!! Also, love the dress. <3

So, haven't had the internet since moving away for my summer job but finally up and running!

Just a quick update to say that sadly I haven't lost any more weight - haven't gained either. Sort of been off the wagon while getting settled here.

All back on track now though. Tried those weird toning plates things the other night too. So strange!

Shall try and update at least once a week. Hope everyone is well!
Ok, so it's impractical for me to update this every day so I'm just gonna try and do it whenever I have access to the internet.

Started going to the gym this week - been twice already and feeling the burn. Feel proud of myself and looking forward to seeing the benefits on the scales :)
you are very beautiful btw, sorry if i sound weird but i love ur shape and ur look is very unique :) xx