Let's do this...


New Member
Hello all...

After a few false starts and a while lurking around here for recipes and tips, I'm finally determined to make a proper go of this.

A move from an active career to a a desk job along with other life events has seen my weight spiral out of control and I'm now at my heaviest. I seem to lose & gain very quickly so I've found it hard to find the right balance.

On the upside, my wife gave birth to our beatiful little girl last month and what better motivation to get fit and healthy to ensure I can be active and fully enjoy her growing up.

So, with 5 stone to lose and goals to be met, I now just need to make sure I get there.

Wish me luck!
hi :)

congrats on your daughter :-D

and well done for making the first step towards losing weight :)

what diet have you decided to follow?
Thanks blubex :)

I've seen colleagues have good results with Slimming World so I'm following their lead with that. There's quite a few of them already on the plan so I have a ready made support group to help when needed!
support is such a big thing when your doing something like this. ... I'm sure they'll be able to give you some good recipes and tips to help you on your journey :)
hi kjh, welcome and good luck. what a great reason to get the weight off for your daughter. won't be long til she's running around and you'll be able to keep up with her. :)