Hi all,
I was searching for "weight loss program"
and came across this web page...
Hope it is ok to post here to show you guys because
the articles where really informative and to the point...
Do you know of any other websites that have good info on
weight loss? I know that I can go through the forum
posts here but I don't have the patience. I'm looking for
something that has the info categorized and is easy
to find...
I was searching for "weight loss program"
and came across this web page...
Hope it is ok to post here to show you guys because
the articles where really informative and to the point...
Do you know of any other websites that have good info on
weight loss? I know that I can go through the forum
posts here but I don't have the patience. I'm looking for
something that has the info categorized and is easy
to find...