Lurking but working

So decided to do the weigh in after getting home from holiday and was so thrilled to finally see I am in the 14’s. I really enjoyed my holiday but tried to eat like a slim person and even though I had drinks and deserts.... and lots of vodka. I did try and balance it with lots of walking and only having one meal off plan a day so it did pay off. My only downside is that I am going down clothes sizes so quickly that as soon as I find a new fave pair of jeans within a month they are too big 😂😂👍 (not the worst problem to have!!). The nicer weather is also really helping, plus got to show off what’s left of my tan. Hope you all have a great day x
Wow Yoyo well done!! I am still nervous about getting on the scales but can feel some of the holiday weight is coming off! I would dearly love to have that jeans problem!!
You have done so so well!!xxx
I waited 10 days to give myself a fair chance at reversing any damage 😂😂 was worth it though. You are doing great too...we are going to get there x
So 20 weeks complete and almost at he end of week 21 and with two planned nights off and a weeks holiday it is still working well. Today I was trying on outfits for starting a new job Monday and am in my old fave trousers size 14 from Hobbs. They were my goal trousers at the beginning....I had this vision in my head of what I would wear and how I would feel but to be’s even better in reality!!!
I also have a work trip to go on in a weeks time and for the first time in ages am confident that when I start and meet all my new colleagues I won’t be embarrassed to be the big lass.
Tonight I am out on a girls night and now find the balance between being TS and planned nights is OK. Kind of like a trial run at my plan to continue with 5:2 once I get to goal to help me maintain. Also looked out my Lighterlife main5nance plans for return to food time.
To those of you just starting it is the best diet ever, you can do it, just ignore that twisted voice that tells you you can’t....there is a wee gang of great women here who keep us all supported (Jacci x)
Today is a good day so be good to yourself first and those dreams can come true xx