
Yeah but Daisy is it fat? I can pinch loads on my arms and thighs but it needs toning! Its not so much loose skin but def loose flesh! Honestly my thighs wobble still and i know its not all fat they just need to be youre the same hun xxx
hi tracey..great to see your still doing so well :)

ive not posted for a little while cause since the bank holiday have been struggling with a combination of eating things i shouldnt and tummy problems (whether there connected no idea, maybe?) but have decided to go onto maintenance for two meals for at least a week to get myself back in control cause feel im losing it at the moment..i need all the support i can get!!!

h xx
Hi hun - wondered where you were, sorry to hear you have not been well. You can do it hun - you have come this far. I have been struggling too, but was just telling Trace that I am hoping to be ok now. Any help you need hun - just ask xx
thanks..ive been ok all day til i get home from work and then i just cant seem to control what i eat...its madness after what ive done to lose it all but ive started a diary to write down my thoughts and going back to gym tomorrow and going to do two maintenace plus one meal a day for at least a week to gain control again..its the control thing...i need that back a s a p!!

h xx
Yeah good idea hun maybe its a kind of blip you needed to help you regain control! Good luck and keep in touch this time xxx
hope you get through it Harri, must admit this is my biggest fear x
I know exactly what you mean. I was waking up each day with the thought this is a new day and I am restarting today, but I found I was OK all day ntil I got in from work. That is my worst hour of the day and I find if I can get through that hour I am OK. If I cheat then I get very angry with myself and just think well I may as well eat tonight and start again tomorrow etc - you know that feeling hun?
Well it makes sense really..we need to cheat and snack with healthier lower fat foods! I have bought lots of teso healthy living snacks, speacial k bars etc and i snack on these if need be as opposed to the full fat stuff! Like you said Daisy once you have these you feel bad and have more..try the low fat stuff xx
good advice hun. As we said its mind games - I have been reminding myself how good it feels to get up and choose what to wear instead of what fits. And being able to go shopping. And feeling good in your clothes all day - I am telling myself that eating a choc bar only makes me feel good for a few minutes and then I feel guilty. Does that make sense ?? xx
Yeah totally hun i do the same..thing is i have always known that but never stuck to it! I stick to it now. Its def in our heads its just learning to control it...bloody buggar xx
I agree - you know those control pants - need a pair for my mind lol. not a good look eh xx
Hahaha over your face to stop you looking at food! Off to bed sweetie..hope to speak soon xxxx
nite honey have a good day tomorrow xxx
sorry didnt answer last night but thought id better go to bed before i ate something else i shouldnt!

i totally agree with what youve both said. tracey, once ive used up my maintenance (about 12 days) ill stock up on low fat stuff for when the munchies happen again and im sure thatll cure the pangs, especially knowing that what im eating is ok and not high fat stuff, unlike chocolate..mumble mumble
daisybank..totally know what you mean about the starting again each damn day...thing is today though feel better after posting on here and back in the right frame of mind again so heres to dropping the few lbs ive gained :)
gary...its ok, it was all my fault and let myself be tempted when i knew i shouldnt..esp when i had a whole box of chocolate mainly from easter sitting there waiting for me...stupid to have it there in the first place i know..still ive learnt the hard way

h xxx
Glad youre feeling a little better hun stick at it and keep us posted and let us support you xxx
thanks tracey xxxx i promise from the heart of my bottom lol

h x
LOl good luck honey xxx
sorry didnt answer last night but thought id better go to bed before i ate something else i shouldnt!

i totally agree with what youve both said. tracey, once ive used up my maintenance (about 12 days) ill stock up on low fat stuff for when the munchies happen again and im sure thatll cure the pangs, especially knowing that what im eating is ok and not high fat stuff, unlike chocolate..mumble mumble
daisybank..totally know what you mean about the starting again each damn day...thing is today though feel better after posting on here and back in the right frame of mind again so heres to dropping the few lbs ive gained :)
gary...its ok, it was all my fault and let myself be tempted when i knew i shouldnt..esp when i had a whole box of chocolate mainly from easter sitting there waiting for me...stupid to have it there in the first place i know..still ive learnt the hard way

h xxx

My house is full of healthy nibbles, but if I do get a choc craving then I will have an Atkins bar of choc (I'm still in ketosis), once out of ketosis I'll be like Tracy and have the WW desserts...the Choc Brownie is to die for. Glad you are feeling better hun.x
Mmmm and the mint choc ice cream! I wish i knew about them before lol x
Mmmm and the mint choc ice cream! I wish i knew about them before lol x

I wish I could have them now:( I'm determined to get in that size 12 and I know if I'm out of ketosis...I'll be hungry and not do it. I will stick with this diet.....and maybe have that Universal Contour Wrap....I'm going to phone round a few places later Tracy to get prices.
Oooh let me know off to Heaton Park cya later Shaz xxx