maintenance with 5:2

I stalking too!! In a very good way that is! I managed to complete a fast day yesterday and had my one hour personal training session!

I spent yesterday evening "planning" my non fast days as that's really where I went wrong I've the summer trying to do 5:2 I ate "normally" for me i.e. Too much! I checked out my TDEE which is just over 1400 for being sedentary (didn't include my three PT sessions a week). I have two festive events tomorrow and Friday so for his weeks non fast days I will keep to vlcd around 800 nor more than 1000 a day just to balance out calories on my nights out. I plan on doing the same next week and have even booked two PT sessions for next week.

Carrie you have really helped me turn a corner (mentally in my approach) which is just what I needed! I hope to completely ditch the vlcd products in the new year but they are for me a great tool for now to help to stick to plan.

hope you don't mind if I stalk you a bit longer?! I plan on getting rid of this last stone as soon as I can!
Trying to maintain but only time will tell. Head is saying I deserve a treat but I'm frightened if I let go ill wake up having regained loads... Ended up having 2 Bourbon biscuits, 1 choc digestive and a pack ww cookies... :( will attempt to fast tomorrow ( hubby cooking a meal tonight so can't today) stalk away lol... Don't know how much help ill be but ill try. Knowing that yous are reading will prob keep me on the straight n narrow lol xxx
Awh! Carrie! Do be careful! Not that I am any expert in weight maintenance (given I never succeeded quite to goal!) However, I am an expert in weight gain! I say that with absolute confidence! Hopefully the biscuits and cookies are a one of episode but seriously once triggered to that 'old' way of giving in to what you fancy (certainly for me) triggers something and can be difficult to stop. Having said that I found back in May when I was 6-7lbs from goal, I would have to odd day where I ate more than I should e.g. biscuits and then was fine for a couple of weeks, then i'd do it again, and the frequency increased and the fast days dropped off and I've struggled ever since to mentally be strong to resisting all the urges I felt.

I just soooo don't want you to regain after all your hard work! x
I feel like I'm not allowing myself to think freely, I really don't want to keep losing and I always said I'd maintain between 9.3 and 9.7. Decided I'm not going to weigh thurs... I'm going to try and have the odd really good day -'and 1 weekly fast... Then weigh after new year? ? Okay maybe the sat between Xmas and new year?! Eeeek! Xxx
It must be daunting particularly with it being festive season and the tempting food everywhere!

I think no weighing and relaxing with the one fast day sounds like a good plan. You'd know soon enough of any significant gain from how your clothes feel so many that's the way to go? I'm sure you will do just fine. For now enjoy the festive time with family and friends and have the odd biccie? X
Still getting really bad totm pain... cals unknown today as except for lunch nothing was weighed or measured and was made by someone else. Totm pain getting blamed on weight loss! Grrrrr idiot! Decided I'm going to weigh a week on sat ( between Xmas and new year) going to fast tomorrow and then will try to be good whilst in Edinburgh then ill fast Sunday ( travelling home ) be good Monday and Tuesday then naughtiness Xmas day Boxing Day and fast Friday weigh sat. Keeping a 2nd fast next week due to Xmas indulgence I really hope this works... Xxx

I'm weighing and measuring most things still so felt good to let someone else do it but now I'm in bed I'm worrying... Lol. Ill feel better after a fast day tomorrow, psychologically it'll remind me I am still the one on control and one bad day doesn't need to be an everyday occurance. Plus I still exercised today... I'm going to guesstimate my kcals on mfp... Ill be back! Xxx
Calorie wise that's about right given you've exercised. What with TOTM No wonder you are worrying! It's all hormones! Your plan sounds great and realistic and as the weeks go on the practice and odd fast day will help on your non fast days. Seriously you really have made me believe that 5:2 is the way forward provided I keep my calories in check on non fast days.

My friend started 5:2 at end of November last year And by march/April she was down from size 14 to and 8/10 and has maintained ever since doing 5:2 some weeks and 6:1 other weeks and no fasting on holiday. She walks her dog 45 mins every day twice at weekend. Her starting weight was over 10st and she says she is now 9st ish but has always been vague about weight and I think she's lost far more than she is admitting to! Her success I think has been is on non fast days being mindful of what she eats despite saying she eats anything. The time she eats anything is when she goes out for dinner or socialises.

So if she can maintain for so long so can you! And so can I once I reach goal!

Hope TOTM pain subsides and you get a good nights sleep.
Thanks. I had a girl to in work today say no way was I 9st, she didn't even believe I was in the 8st range... She thought I was 7st something! Now come on?! I know I'm small but no way! She even asked her friend who agreed I didn't look anywhere near 9st so maybe your friend really is. My hips have shrunk... I'd never ever been able to fit into size 8 jeans before and my river island 10s actually hang off me. I swear... They were tight at 9st 10ish and they hang now. 5:2 has defo changed my shape ( along with the exercise ) I can't wait to start insanity to see the next chapter in my life. I know I don't want to see a loss on the scales so know I need to increase my cals but its just the battle of how to do it properly... I was like this when I first went from low carb to 5:2 so I know ill find my footing lol... It's just the fear of the unknown... And maintenance is def unknown. Thanks for your help and support. Going to try and get some sleep :) night night xxx
You look tiny, as in naturally tiny person who was never overweight type of person! Would love to look like you! Let me know which Insanity workout you get and if it is worth getting. I ask my trainer and he just says don't waste your money! Then again I think he just wants me to stick with him! Also, I guess he's not familiar with any of these popular DVD's because he always in the gym training others or doing his own workout so he wouldn't know. I definitely will be upping my exercise over next few week and won't make excuses.
I torat understand where you are coming from . Years ago I was a size 8 and 8 stone ( didn't exercise) few years ago I was a size 8 but 9 stone and looked better as I was toned up . I1b fat is aloft bigger than 1lb of muscle - so this robe in concentrating in the inches .

You look fantastic
Still feeling a bit out if it, had so much to do so haven't had a proper day of eating or fasting all week. I'm still within healthy cals each day 1200-1600 but its picking... And a slice of toast here, a cup a soup there all whilst on the go! So in Edinburgh this weekend ( on train now ) and hoping I can stick to healthier choices... Ill try. Still not had breakfast and was up tae boing at 5:30am. Got first train at 7:40 and by the time I'd tae bod, showered, got boys breakfasts sorted and got me and wee one ready we ended up running for the train lol! Xxx
Enjoy Edinburgh and remember the running for the train is exercise! Ha!ha! You will be fine I'm sure. I guess it is getting into a routine (with food) that you need and it is so hard during the festive season. Relax and enjoy it and you will get back into a good routine.
Hey Carrie U are inspirational.. DVD arrived in d post today so all set 2 start it tomoro ... Id Luv sculpted arms and a toned back like u... Id Luv 2 get down 2 ten stone or lower...hovering around 11ish ... Ur determination has motivated me 2 keep trying... Tanx B-)
Enjoy Edinburgh and remember the running for the train is exercise! Ha!ha! You will be fine I'm sure. I guess it is getting into a routine (with food) that you need and it is so hard during the festive season. Relax and enjoy it and you will get back into a good routine.

I had a lovely time in edinburgh, I keep forgetting to update this diary... Eeeek. Rough breakdown...

Stayed at my mums on the Thursday I arrived, had nothing all day as I didn't want convenience food. Had 2 x black coffee at my brothers and 2 pieces shortbread. Then got train to my mums and had a Chinese... (Eeeek) didn't have a lot of it though.
Friday I had half a white hot choc from costa ( promised I'd have one when I hit goal but was disgusting ) then done shopping in princess street with 2 large gift bags from my brother and my suitcase and an 8 year old! Went to work to get house keys then dropped off bags and took wee one to winter wonderland. Then back to get changed as was meeting friends. Went to hard rock and had 3 x prosseco cocktails and a woo woo plus we had 1 x sharing starter platter. I ate 1x onion ring, 3x spring roll like things, 2 mini chicken wings and 1 breaded chicken strip.
Saturday had chicken salad sandwich from costa and 1/2 gingerbread latte ( yuk) and at my sisters had 2 slices of pizza and 2 chicken satay sticks.
Sunday snack a jacks on train, cup of tea, asda reduced cal chilli chicken noodles from the ready meal frozen section and a few cookies.
Monday was a successful fast day at 222kcals plus tae Bo
Tuesday had 1/2 cheese toastie, pack velvet Thai crunch and 2 foxs biscuits, 3 slices pizza, some popcorn and haribos ( Xmas vee treat whilst watching dvd with the boys )
We'd ( Xmas day ) huge breakfast inc, sausage, bacon, egg, beans, tattie scone, slice haggis, hash brown and bucks fizz lol, chocs throughout day, turkey, stuffing, brocolli, cauliflower, peas, carrots, pigs in blanket x1 , yorkie x1 and gravy, slice crusty bread with pate and choc cake with double cream and champagne... Eeeek!
Thursday haggis on toast, friends buffet I had a few honey cocktail sausages, some Thai chilli Pringles, peanuts, satay sticks and 1 slice christmas cake plus a few glasses pink fizz and 1 bottle rose
Friday ( attempt at fast ) 1 x scotch pancake with jam, brocolli soup with some turkey, then failed with 600kcals of quality street.. Came in at 963kcals
Sat 1x soya costa light, 1 pack velvet cheddar and onion crunch, 1x cracker bread with jam, 1x ww chicken noodle soup, 3x cracker breads with one dairy lea light triangle, 7 x cherry on the vine tomatoes, 1 x milk tray choc and 3x cracker breads = 494lcals.

Hoping by weigh in next sat I'm still within goal weight, insanity was ordered on Boxing Day so waiting patiently... Can't wait for a new challenge..

Hope everyone had an excellent Xmas! Xxx
Hey Carrie U are inspirational.. DVD arrived in d post today so all set 2 start it tomoro ... Id Luv sculpted arms and a toned back like u... Id Luv 2 get down 2 ten stone or lower...hovering around 11ish ... Ur determination has motivated me 2 keep trying... Tanx B-)

Hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Take before pics.. Really worth it when comparing a few months down the line. Xxx
Hey! Carrie sounds like you had a great time! Looking forward to your review on Insanity. From what I've read one has to be pretty fit in the first place to do it so not convinced it would be for me? Yup! Even with a personal trainer three times a week one would think I'd be pretty fit! I think I need to work harder!
Hey! Carrie sounds like you had a great time! Looking forward to your review on Insanity. From what I've read one has to be pretty fit in the first place to do it so not convinced it would be for me? Yup! Even with a personal trainer three times a week one would think I'd be pretty fit! I think I need to work harder!

I think the difference from fitness test on day 1 to day 60 will be awesome! I know it'll be hard but we don't get results from taking it easy. Look what contestants on the biggest loser can do after a few weeks? And they can be 300lbs plus! The body is an amazing thing, I'm sooo ready! Xxx