maintenance with 5:2

Thanks Lexie. Finished on 899kcals and 28g carbs. I'll take that for a Saturday! Going to bed satisfied. Xxx
Far too addicted to my cauliflower rice and mayflower curry sauce combo! 287kcals xxx

Really pleased I got through a weekend with no crap food! Next weekend will be different but I'm going back to my old ways of a meal doesn't have to be bad starter, naughty main and an indulgent dessert! It can be delicious satisfying and if I want the indulgent pud I'll choose better with the main. I will be having birthday cake on Sunday. And I won't feel guilty. Xxx
Thanks Lexie. I'm up drinking my coffee whilst fitbit is in charge in peace before I do 30 day shred. Had an awful sleep last night. Feeling exhausted. Xxx
Came across this pic on my time hop on sat. Just a reminder to look what I've achieved and to keep my weight down for over a year now is a first for me ever! Xxx

428kcals and 25g carbs today. Fish and zero noodles for tea and 120g strawberries, 80g raspberries, fat free yoghurt and 4kcal jelly for pud. I had a medium boiled egg for breakfast. :) xxx

Thanks ladies. Looking forward to my tea tonight. Not planned breakfast or lunch yet lol. Sitting with my black coffee then will do davina. Xxx
902kcals and 59g carbs today. Yummy day too and looking forward to my fast again tomorrow xxx



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Enjoyed the Atkins bar soooo much but did forget how gurgly they make my tum but as a treat now and again I'm fine.

A long shift today 9-7 and a fast day at that. It'll defo be my cauliflower rice again ( it's far too yummy ) will finish my coffee then cardio before getting the boys up and showered, breakfasts and out for school.... Looking forward to my short shift Friday due to blonding of the hair! Eeeeek! Xxx