Man Boobs - any ideas?


New Member
Hey all

Im new to this site so sorry if this is in the wrong place :eek:

Im a 28yr old male, 22 stone and on a mission to get down to around 16stone, ive joined nutracheck to help me along the way, but something that affects my daily life is the horrid manboobs!! I dont do much in the way of socialising other than work, and tend to avoid gyms etc. I wont take off my coat because of it, despite the temperature!

Are there any ways to reduce this as i lose weight without going to a gym? any ideas would be appreciated!

Thanks :)
What about getting some free weights and doing chest exercises to tone up in the privacy of your home until you feel confident enough to go to a gym??
You could try some sport that uses upper body a lot like swimming or racquet sports, I prefer squash but tennis is good too!

Purpose -- To Build Muscle Mass in the upper and middle pectoral muscles.
An excellent variation to Barbell Bench Press, Dumbbell Bench Press adds the extra range of motion at the top for a complete Chest development. Also Dumbbells demand better coordination forcing the stabilizing muscles to assist as well.

Execution Technique.

This Exercise is Performed on a Flat Bench with a pair of dumbbells.


1. Lie flat on the bench keeping your feet on floor for better balance with a dumbbell in each hand.
2. Hold the Dumbbells straight overhead, palms facing forwards.
3. Now lower the weights to your outer chest stretching chest to maximum at the bottom.
4. Now raise it until your arms are nearly locked out, dumbbells very close to each other.
Its also supposed to be a hormone imbalance due to being over weight. Give it a few weeks with some basic exercise and i bet they'll melt away. Good luck hun xx