March Challenge


I CAN do this
Seeing as we'll be there the day after tomorrow I thought I'd start a March challenge. Good luck everyone!

Cherry-Blossom 24lb (0lb lost, 24lb to go)
Well since feb was a crap month for me stick me down for 10lbs

Cherry-Blossom 24lb (0lb lost, 24lb to go)
Donjon 10lb
Wow Cherry-Blossom you do aim high! I think I should aim for 8. I can always alter it upwards if I have a good first couple of weigh-ins.

Cherry-Blossom 24lb (0lb lost, 24lb to go)
Donjon 10lb
Lass321 8lb (0lb lost 8lb to go)
Only aiming high as its my first month and last time I did this I lost 12lb in the first week. April will be lower!
Im in! (Although my weigh in day is Friday, so I will be posting this weeks on the February thread)

Cherry-Blossom 24lb (0lb lost, 24lb to go)
Donjon 10lb
Lass321 8lb (0lb lost 8lb to go)
Lulu1964 14lbs (0lbs lost, 14 to go)
I'd like to join in, but I'm toying with the idea of only weighing once a month to try and keep spirits high.....
Im in! (Although my weigh in day is Friday, so I will be posting this weeks on the February thread)

Cherry-Blossom 24lb (0lb lost, 24lb to go)
Donjon 10lb
Lass321 8lb (0lb lost 8lb to go)
Lulu1964 14lbs (0lbs lost, 14 to go)
Trim T 10lb

Thatll get me to 10st so fingers crossed... Good luck everyone x

Edited to add... I weigh in on tuesdays
I can't copy the quote above on my phone so could someone kindly put me down for 10lbs as that seems to be the max my body will let go in a month...
will do daisy :)

I'll go for 14lbs

Cherry-Blossom 24lb (0lb lost, 24lb to go)
Donjon 10lb
Lass321 8lb (0lb lost 8lb to go)
Lulu1964 14lbs (0lbs lost, 14 to go)
Trim T 10lbs
StripedDaisy 10lbs (0lb lost, 10lbs to go)
dovydaitis 14lbs (0lbs lost, 14lbs to go)
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Me too please-aiming high as will be first weeks weight included! Great idea!

Good luck everyone-we can do this!! :)

Cherry-Blossom 24lb (0lb lost, 24lb to go)
Donjon 10lb
Lass321 8lb (0lb lost 8lb to go)
Lulu1964 14lbs (0lbs lost, 14 to go)
Trim T 10lbs
StrpedDaisy 10lbs (0lb lost, 10lbs to go)
dovydaitis 14lbs (0lbs lost, 14lbs to go)
i_dream_slim 28lbs (0 lost, 28lbs to go)
Hi everyone can I join please, I started Monday so I will go for 18 pounds will will include what I may have lost already this week can someone update me please I am not very technical!! Thank you and good luck
Popped you on the list lozzer :)

I'll go for 10lb to take me to my next mini target and I'll also get to overweight (what an odd word to be so excited about!). Time to knuckle down and get on with it.

Cherry-Blossom 24lb (0lb lost, 24lb to go)
Donjon 10lb
Lass321 8lb (0lb lost 8lb to go)
Lulu1964 14lbs (0lbs lost, 14 to go)
Trim T 10lbs
StrpedDaisy 10lbs (0lb lost, 10lbs to go)
dovydaitis 14lbs (0lbs lost, 14lbs to go)
i_dream_slim 28lbs (0 lost, 28lbs to go)
lozzer58 18lb (0lb lost, 18lb to go)
noodles1609 10lb (0lb lost, 10lb to go)
Cherry-Blossom 24lb (0lb lost, 24lb to go) Donjon 10lb Lass321 8lb (0lb lost 8lb to go) Lulu1964 14lbs (0lbs lost, 14 to go)
Trim T 10lbs
StrpedDaisy 10lbs (0lb lost, 10lbs to go)
dovydaitis 14lbs (0lbs lost, 14lbs to go) i_dream_slim 28lbs (0 lost, 28lbs to go)
lozzer58 18lb (0lb lost, 18lb to go)
noodles1609 10lb (0lb lost, 10lb to go)
Nefertari 14lbs (0lbs lost, 14lbs to go)
Cherry-Blossom 24lb (0lb lost, 24lb to go)
Donjon 10lb Lass321 8lb (0lb lost 8lb to go)
Lulu1964 14lbs (0lbs lost, 14 to go)
Trim T 10lbs
StrpedDaisy 10lbs (0lb lost, 10lbs to go)
dovydaitis 14lbs (0lbs lost, 14lbs to go)
i_dream_slim 28lbs (0 lost, 28lbs to go)
lozzer58 18lb (0lb lost, 18lb to go)
noodles1609 10lb (0lb lost, 10lb to go)
Nefertari 14lbs (0lbs lost, 14lbs to go)
whedonite 10lbs (0lbs lost, 10lbs to go)
Cherry-Blossom 24lb (0lb lost, 24lb to go)
Donjon 10lb Lass321 8lb (0lb lost 8lb to go)
Lulu1964 14lbs (0lbs lost, 14 to go)
Trim T 10lbs
StrpedDaisy 10lbs (0lb lost, 10lbs to go)
dovydaitis 14lbs (0lbs lost, 14lbs to go)
i_dream_slim 28lbs (0 lost, 28lbs to go)
lozzer58 18lb (0lb lost, 18lb to go)
noodles1609 10lb (0lb lost, 10lb to go)
Nefertari 14lbs (0lbs lost, 14lbs to go)
whedonite 10lbs (0lbs lost, 10lbs to go)
zeke 14 lbs (0 lbs lost, 14 lbs to go)
Cherry-Blossom 24lb (0lb lost, 24lb to go)
Donjon 10lb
Lass321 8lb (0lb lost 8lb to go)

Lulu1964 14lbs (0lbs lost, 14 to go)
Trim T 10lbs
StrpedDaisy 10lbs (0lb lost, 10lbs to go)
dovydaitis 14lbs (0lbs lost, 14lbs to go)
i_dream_slim 28lbs (0 lost, 28lbs to go)
lozzer58 18lb (0lb lost, 18lb to go)
noodles1609 10lb (0lb lost, 10lb to go)
Nefertari 14lbs (0lbs lost, 14lbs to go)
whedonite 10lbs (0lbs lost, 10lbs to go)
zeke 14 lbs (0 lbs lost, 14 lbs to go)
Cherry-Blossom 24lb (0lb lost, 24lb to go)
Donjon 10lb
Lass321 8lb (0lb lost 8lb to go)

Lulu1964 14lbs (0lbs lost, 14 to go)
Trim T 10lbs
StrpedDaisy 10lbs (0lb lost, 10lbs to go)
dovydaitis 14lbs (0lbs lost, 14lbs to go)
i_dream_slim 28lbs (0 lost, 28lbs to go)
lozzer58 18lb (0lb lost, 18lb to go)
noodles1609 10lb (0lb lost, 10lb to go)
Nefertari 14lbs (0lbs lost, 14lbs to go)
whedonite 10lbs (0lbs lost, 10lbs to go)
zeke 14 lbs (0 lbs lost, 14 lbs to go)
sugar_face 14lb (0lb lost, 14 lb to go)
Aiming for 26 pounds, it's my first month and starting from 253 pounds...should lose plenty of water weight I hope :)