Michael Mosley Eat, Fast and Live Longer on BBC

Hmmm...I tried that but there is only a 5 min heart attack grill clip that I can find. Thanks though. If you happen to find it could you post the link on here for me please? x
Yes I did but it seems to have been removed from everywhere! I eventually found it on Vimeo :)
If the world is going to end on Friday (as per the Mayan calendar) I'm having an up day tomorrow!
Have you read it yet? I've read some good reviews about a similar book on amazon but can't find any about this one yet...
Reading it now! Only on page 38 buy already finding it interesting and doubting other diets very much, I love learning the science etc about the human body
Is it out yet? I've pre-ordered this morning after seeing him on BBC News, but it says it's not out til the 10th...
