Missing food!


Full Member
I'm really missing actual food this week! Not because I'm hungry (yes I still feel hungry at times!) but I miss eating solid food. I actually fancied a burger and I didn't eat them when I was eating!!!


If only the adverts weren't always about FOOD!


Don't worry, not going to eat. Am enjoying getting back into some old clothes I'd grown out of.

Food is boring really, it takes up too much time!
When I thought I needed to eat something solid I would imagine eating that thing (sort of like the lemon exercise!) from the first bite to the last, chewing and imagining the taste. It's quite interesting as, if you do it properly and imagine the smell and taste and texture of every bite, you start to feel full! I didn't do it much - and by the third month I never needed to do it again (but a few months later I started baking as I missed having food around so much)