mixed grill theory?

Aahaha - off topic Tilly - but I saw you had posted on this, clicked to read the post and then spent a few seconds scrolling up and down "looking" for you. Didn't recognise your new avatar!
Lookin fab, Tilly! Is that the new dress?

Excellent thread.

There was also a great program on BBC 1 a few weeks ago. Where they did say reduce carbs with increased protein does reduce hunger. They also had other good advance, like eating thick soups and I think the best one, 'use smaller plates', which as my main problem was portion size is probably a good idea.

Regarding Atkins / CD, I think Atkins is a valid diet if done right, but the reason CD works and is the only diet that has really worked for me, is it takes temptation away, I don't have to think what shall I eat to night, or I will just have a bit more, my portion control is done for me. Thats the big difference.