Muller Light Lids


Gold Member
Am I the only person who hates those blooming lids!? I can't count how many times I have taken a yog to work and the lid has split in my bag, also it is impossible to peel the lid off without it splitting - I like to lick the lid of life and I have twice now split my tongue on the jagged edge of the lid!!!

I hate them!

Rant over.

Has anyone tried the Muller Light Greek Yogs? 1/2 syn per pot. They are nice and thick.

What I hate about muller lights is.... when you open the poxy lid, it always spurts a bit of yoghurt out. ALWAYS!

I've moved on to yoghurt pastures new instead :)
I use a little tupperware tub and just shove the pot straight in there because i guarantee if it's not i will burst it during the day! also seems to keep it cooler.. but maybe that's just my brain playing tricks!! :D
i dont lick the lid anymore after several cut tongue incidents,lol!!!
I don't have a problem with the lids...turn the carton away from you and when it spurts it doesn't go all over you. Lid doesn't seem to split to much when i pull it off...maybe it the way i open it? And I don't take them work so don't have the problem of them breaking in my bag haha And if the lid does split I personally don't lick rats do :p
Ohh, tell me about it! I've started putting mine it the cup holders in my car on the way to work, then straight from there to the fridge, just need to remember to take them out!, :D will be lovely in summer to get to a black car, parked in direct sunlight all day - and a muller light sat there :(

Also, they always go EVERYWHERE on my person when I'm wearing black, not attractive!
I always end up with yogurt splattered over myself or my surroundings. Very rarely get the lid off in one piece.
So annoying!