My 12 steps to goal.........................

Hope you had something tasty! I had cottage pie with half mince and half puy lentils with sweet & normal potato mash on top. Lush & had loads of veg in it and the lentils meant bit of fibre & not so heavy. All gone now though :p
Meant to say when I did SW I subscribed to the mag and they had really good recipes on there and appropriate to the season , so probably be lots of nice soups and autumn warming meals in this months edition - might be worth having a flick through at the supermarket.
Ok so made my weetabix cupcakes!

Haven't tasted them yet but they smell delish!

I used my HXB already today so they are 6.5syns for them all.

2 weetabix (6.5 syns or HXB)
2 eggs beaten
1tbsp sweetener
1/2 muller light

Oven 180 35 minutes

Crumble weetabix, beat eggs & mix with the sweetener & muller light.

Fill 6 muffin or cupcake cases then bake for 35 minutes.



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They where yummy!

Had curry loaf, wedges & salad for dinner tonight, 1 syn cos if the tbsp ho brown sauce.



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Managed to get through bein in my mums & grans company for about 4 hours today without having a cake shoved down my throat yippeeeeeeeeee

Dinner in the oven, curry load & wedges again.

WI tomorrow xxx
Oooh yum! I've made weetabix cake/bread before but not those! Will be copying the recipie - thank you! :) xx

Hope you're well love xx
I have been so good all day, come home starving. Eat a cake & a packet of haribo!

What. The. Actual. Flip!!!!!

Buttttttt my curry loaf for this weeks lunch is in the oven so at least I am not gonna let this bad decision ruin my week.

Oh it all went boobies up yesterday! Ended up out for a gorgeous thai meal with the hubby.

I enjoyed it, Went to bed stuffed though.

Back on it today & looking forward to being SW perfect the rest of this week.

Stuck to plan yesterday but used all 15 syns.

Its gonna eventually get there where I will be thinking about this as a lifestyle change & not a diet.

When I do think of it as a lifestyle change then I wont be looking forward to all these wee sneaky cheats.

Cannot wait for that to happen eventually.

That was then though! Today is a new day and you're doing so well! It does take time - but it'll become second nature soon!